The Cotton Belt in Commerce Symposium

This just in from Dr. Jason Davis of TAMU-Commerce. This Symposium follows the Arkansas Railroad Museum Open House on the 14th. Hope to see some of you there.


Hello Railfans, Some of you may recall the ice storm that hit North Texas on November 30, 2006. The freezing precipitation resulted in the closure of the campus of Texas A&M University-Commerce just (minutes) before the Cotton Belt in Commerce Symposium was scheduled to begin. The small group of railroaders and family who braved the ice, without knowledge of the campus closing, gathered for a nice informal visit. However, due to the ice, many who intended to attend and participate had to miss the opportunity. I extend my sincere appreciation to those who made the effort whether you were able to get here or not. A lot of people put a lot of time and effort into the first attempt. Well, the positive messages and inquiries about rescheduling the event have been overwhelming!!! Thanks to all of you who have expressed your interest. The date for the rescheduled Cotton Belt Symposium has now been set. Freezing weather shouldn’t be a factor this time. The COTTON BELT Symposium Monday, April 16, 2007 | 10:00am-3:00pm Heritage Room, 3rd floor of the Sam Rayburn Memorial Student Center on the campus of Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, Texas This is a FREE event to document, preserve, and celebrate the legacy of the employees and operations of the St. Louis Southwestern Railway in and around Commerce, Northeast Texas, and system wide. A special invitation is extended to all former and current railroad employees and their families to come and share recollections of their railroad days. Everyone is encouraged to bring and display historical photos depicting people, places, equipment, and rail operations. Anyone interested in the railroad and its history is invited to attend. Please share this information with anyone who might be interested. We are trying to bring together indivi

Dr. Jason Davis has posted the Program for the Symposium at

I will be showing slides from my collection, Terry Kirkland’s and the Standefer Family. And speaking about my research into the life of Cotton Belt Engineer Red Standefer. Red Standefer’s oldest grandson Steve Standefer should be in attendance.

Dr. Otha Spencer will be speaking about his new book on the railroads of Commerce, TEXAS. It may be out by the time of the Symposium.

Bill Bailey VP of CBRHS will be speaking about the restoration of War Baby #819.

Retired Cotton Belt railroaders will be given a chance in the afternoon to speak about their work on Cotton Belt.

See you there.

Good find, we’ll be down there in Pine Bluff on the 14th for the Museum show no worries. That 819 should be progressing closer to being able to carry steam these last 12 months.

Safety Valve: See you in Pine Bluff on the 14th. I saw the 819 back in November and Bill McCaskill said there was more testing to do on her. Hope it all turns out well and the old girl can stretch her legs again someplace.
