Sleepers & Duds! Under & over-rated Lionel, Flyer & Marx trains (The best will surprise you!)
My question is this;
Has CTT stooped to tabloid status to pull in readers? Maybe it won’t be long before I’m in line at the grocery store checkout staring at a copy of CTT.
The part that is really frightening is that MTH is totally left out of this waste of a good tree. How do I not read “Discrimination”?
For some reason I don’t think so, but then again I don’t believe in any of the other conspiracy theories floating arond either. Except maybe the alien flatcars you just know they are prototypical of the area 51 inhabitants. [swg]
There really aren’t a lot of things that frighten me. Putting my kids on an airplane is high anxiety, North Korea and Iran with nuclear capability gets my attention, waiting for the results of my wife’s CT scan, but other than that, I don’t freighten easily.
With that said, perhgaps less caffine and more fiber in the old diet would help.
I’ve found you can get good info at MTJ if you ask a question without having to have a secret decoder ring, or a board meeting to determine whether or not you or your question is worthy.
There’s a great saying on the wall of a bar (Rohman’s Inn) in Shohola, PA:
“Everyone brings happiness to this bar. Some by coming in, others by going out.”
I think the same applies to some of the train forums. There are some ying-yangs on each of the forums. But in general, CTT and MTJ provide lots of great info for the hobbyist. Both are fairly welcoming to those who post questions and opinions there. All forum members and moderators could stand to remember that people’s opinions are just that – opinions, and they do not reveal attributes or flaws in anyone’s character. Nor do they represent an insult to anyone’s mother. So if someone wants to say something ridiculous, it is probably best to let the thread just fade off the first page. If someone wants to complain about how he was treated, it will only survive as a thread if the point resonates with aenough other members on that board. This is a great forum, and so is the MTJ forum. The moderator here has a great sense of humor but also understands that we are not talking about war and peace, we’re talking about “post war” and Greendale…etc. So, a little light hearted humor is a nice thing now and then.
I liked the article about the sleepers and duds, butn I thought the writer was off base on the fire fighter car. At least he wrote an article, which is more than many of us have done.
I’ll tell you what is freightening to me: In a post on here somewhere, the CTT overlord guy says that the writer of that article does not use the Internet. THAT is freightening.
Alas, Trevor, quite a few of our writers and many of our readers don’t use the internet.
In our last survey we asked “do you use the internet at least once a week?” and 27% said no. But the number has been getting smaller over the past 10 years!
BigJim has had a problem with several things about CTT. Ogaugeoverlord, it’s great to see your responses. That’s funny. My own take on BigJim’s excess…
I think I’ll use BigJim’s own words that he posted so graciously over on MTJ: