Talk of all that white stuff brings back many not so pleasant memories.
Now where I reside they bring in dump truck loads of snow from the Mountains once a year so the kids can play in it. By the way temp reached 69 today.
Talk of all that white stuff brings back many not so pleasant memories.
Now where I reside they bring in dump truck loads of snow from the Mountains once a year so the kids can play in it. By the way temp reached 69 today.
Well, Hopefully we can all come to some conclusion as to what we’d all like to name this place.
I am a bit predjuiced about a name; but “CW’s Trackside Place” (railroads,
not anything else) comes to mind. Second choice is “Eat at Bergies’s” since he and a few others have been gracious enough to let us have this space to do whatever…
Yes, I know others have been in and out and have helped with this place, but CW has
been here since jhhtrainsplanes opened the first one!!
[besides, maintenance on the layouts and sign changing is starting to get to me.]
Jim,eolafan; No Alcohol, No Drugs, No Cross Words!!!
Mook, don’t be gone for the day, you never know…
The name should have a railroad flair. How about naming it CITY OF LOUISVILLE, another could be COMPANY BEANERY, lastly, L&N DINER. I know. These stink mightily…
…“Rail Forum Family Diner”.
Getting some very good suggestions. I’ll continue taking suggestions for you all until Tuesday (that’ll give the folks gone for the weekend a chance to give us some ideas). If you don’t want to post your suggestions here, you can email me thru Trains.
Well it looks like I’m the first one in the diner this morning, so I think I will take charge of serving breakfast. I’ve got the coffee brewing and I’ve mixed up a batch of fresh orange juice. On the menu for this morning: buttermilk pancakes, french toast, with hot maple syrup, scrambled eggs, bacon, pork sausage links, and I’ve made a pan of my cinnamon rolls. I’ve been busy most of this early morning working here in the kitchen.
We have 20 degrees here in Sioux Falls, and it is supposed to warm up to about 31 this afternoon. [:)] If it were to get a bit warmer than that, then maybe we could get rid of some of this white and brown [censored].
I hope the rest of you out there have a good day!
thanks for breakfast this sunshine and cold tommorow mother nature throws alittle bit of this then that at us.I would prefer snow over the icy stuff.will return tonight for the pizza fest.
stay safe
Good Saturday morning, everyone!! Think today will be a beautiful day, possibly with plenty of sunshine. And we won’t talk about the forecast for tomorrow yet!!
Ray, thanks for coming in early, baking the cinnamon rolls, and fixing the rest of breakfast, along with making the fresh oj, and getting the coffee going.
Later on today, I’ll be posting the entries for a permanent name here, so everyone can see what they are, and decide which one we all like the best. (And when I do post them, I will not tell whose suggestions they were.)
Everyone have a great day, and come back in around 6 p.m. EST for our Saturday Night Pizza Fest.
…A really nice Winter morning…Bright sunshine and our low was not what was predicted: Actual…18, and thought it would be: 11. So we’re off to a pretty nice calm winds day. Believe they are saying as high as 50 tomorrow.
'Mornin everybody, sun shine and cool (2F) here in Aurora this morning with a heavy storm coming tonight bringing freezing rain, then regular rain then heavy snow tomorrow (oh joy).
Hey, how about “Poster’s Lounge” for another possible name for this thread?
I’m hoping to get trackside for a while today if the weather cooperates and here’s hoping you do as well.
Sunshine in AZ this AM. Snow of yesterday is already disappearing and will be 50 +.
Working on taxes and even with TurboTax it’s a pain. Sorry I missed breakfast but a pretty lady says lunch is on the way.
had a great day to watch trains.csx q383 had a csx a warbonnet a bluebonnet and a norange.I don’t know where they hid the greenie at.Q242 had 19 cars that were extra from cincinnati.they’ll figure it in in walbridge i’m sure.I’m up for some pepperoni and mushroom pizza.
stay safe
Joe, sounds like you had a very good day for train watching!!
Okay, I promised to list some of the suggested names for the Diner. Here goes:
Here’s the menu for our Saturday Night Pizza Fest:
And the following dessert pizzas:
Hope you all enjoy your pizzas tonight, and also hope to get some more name suggestions!
///stumbles & fumbles in through the doorway…
Somewhere between Houston and Denver the place moved under cover of darkness. Sheesh!
Diningcar - Startled to see the neon sign at the top of 9th & Polk lit up this week (Flashbacks!!!)
Started the morning with a controlled burn of an old trailer. The construction was amazing - 1/4" panelling and 1"x3" “studs.” No wonder they burn like tinder.
Hawaiian, SVP.
Good later afternoon everyone. Thanks for the calzone! [dinner]
How about calling this place the Beanery? After all, I remember old-time railroaders often called the company cafes beaneries because they served a lot of bean dishes.
good morning
juice coffee and hot chocolate are ready to go.we have pancakes and waffles coming up with sausage hash browns and eggs.Or if you like we have left over pizza too.we have rain now could have thunderstorms by tonight.
stay safe
Good Sunday morning, folks. Joe, thanks for putting the coffee on, making the juice, and making breakfast.
Joe, we aren’t getting any rain yet, but it’s headed this way, supposed to be hear around 9, 10 a.m. We’re already at 52 degrees F this morning, going to 62, 64, with the thunder boomers that are headed our way. Then, tomorrow, a high in the low 30s. It’s a wonder we all don’t have pneumonia!!
Feeling kind of sad: my mother’s youngest brother passed away suddenly yesterday morning, at age 80. But I am remembering, when I was little, and my other uncles and aunt would come up to Louisville, from Tennessee, and we’d all get together at this uncle’s house. He, his brother, and brother-in-law, would start playing their guitar, banjo and steel guitar and dobro and play some good ole country music. In the summer time, even their sister and brother-in-law would come up from Hardin County, and everyone would gather in his backyard. With everyone gathered around, it looked like a mini country music concert or jam session going on.
Do I have any requests for Sunday Dinner today? If so, please let me know my 10, 10:30, so I can get it started.
You all have a good day, and stay as dry as possible.
Paula, I am offering my condolances to you in regards to the loss of your uncle. I fully understand your feelings of sadness because I’ve been there with the loss of loved ones more than once. If it were physically possible for me to give you a big hug, I would.
We have 35 degrees here in Sioux Falls, and it will cool down a bit to 29. I am getting ready to go to work, a few minutes ago I could hear a train moving through Sioux Falls about six blocks from my house and unfortunately I don’t have the time to go watch it at trackside. It was either the BNSF or the Dakota & Iowa. Most likely the BNSF, I think.
I hope the rest of you folks out there have a good day!