The forum is becoming larger than life

Is anyone having problems with their MR forum pages displaying larger than usual? I’ve only checked a few of my other bookmarked sites but they display normally. I even went to the MR’s main web page and it’s fine. As I type this out, the “Post a New Message” page looks normal, as well. It’s only when I go to the main forum pages that things get “large”. Anyone have an answer?


Okay, this is weird. As soon as I posted the message above, EVERYTHING went back to displaying “normally”. VERY weird! I must be experiencing a Rod Serling moment. (I do live about 10 miles west of Willoughby.)


No, not only you. It’s driving me crazy too!

Sometimes it’s not the whole page either, just the bottom half, or only one post midway down. Usually, if I refresh the page loads right.

What’s even worse is my computer is freezing up lately when I’m on the forum and I try to close IE.

Maybe it’s that they don’t want us to leave… or it is a Rod Serling moment

EDIT: Did it again when I tried to close this window after I posted. A real PITA too, I have to re-boot my system every time! [:(!]

It’s after 3:00, I’m going now…[zzz]

You have something wrong with your setup. You may have to re-install your OS to fix it. In some cases, multiple duplicates of DLL files will cause this problem.

Yup…I have notice the same thing…

Cheap gin will do this every time. I had this problem until I switched to premium brands of gin such as Beefeater or Tanqueray.

Dave Nelson

Don’t install IE 7! LOL

Thanks for the input everyone. [:)]

Everything but my Juno Webmail page is functioning fine now. It only started last night. I rebooted the computer a couple of times. But, when I accessed the fourm, the fonts became twice as big and the divider lines between posts disappeared. Everything was still accessible, just harder to navigate.

My original thought was that the problem was just me. However, it appears that others of you are experiencing some somewhat similar issues. Hmmm. I still don’t know why my Webmail inbox displays the number of e-mails but not the actually title of the e-mail. (That’s probably a separate issue.) Anyhow, I’m think I’m going to send off a quick e-mail to Rod Serling.

“Next stop…Willoughby?”



I use IE7 and have never had any problems with it.

And I’m using Firefox and did. Thankfully, I have NOT had a repeated episode yet.


As it turned out, wasn’t Willoughby the name of the funeral home that picked the guy up from the side of the track?


This used to happen to me on Dial-Up. Since I got Broadband (and a new, quicker computer), it hasn’t happened–at least not yet.

But I certainly don’t recommend spending the money for a new computer when you could be buying a really GOOD brass steamer for the same price, LOL!


Same here. IE7 works very well with this forum. I should know by now that saying anything positive about MS and IE7 is strictly verboten, but I really like it. I much prefer it over IE6. I never have an issue with it on any of the web sites and forums that I frequent. I have grown to really appreciate some of its new features like page zoom, which I use all the time.

I L O V E IE7 best thing to hit my puter since cable !!!

Go to “The Software Patch” to see what you might need…

M$IE7 patches =

Software Patch Homepage =

Bookmarking this website is a keeper because they cut through all the mustard and only link to what is important for windows, adobe, flash, etc. Enjoy!