The I Am So Bored Today Game.

This may fly (or not) I have been on hold all day with one agency or another dealing with this Estate I am looking after. Surfing merchandise for sales while I wait has me going stir crazy.

Name the manufacturer of a product and if correct post a photo of something else. To avoid delays in the game, if three two people agree on what something is the winner can post away without the original poster giving the okay.

No cheating by looking or running photo search/inspect info.

Here is my first pic, who makes it?

“I’m bored, I’m the chairman of the board” – Iggy Pop

Is this a bored game or a board game?


Alas, a guess!.. Nyet. Sorry Crandell.

I am about to get boared.


This is so great! This thread is going just as I had hoped or expected, take your pick.[(-D]

I’m going to guess Peco on the track


If you are nothing else, Brent, you are a good sport. [bow]


Hand laid?


Sorry whiskers you’re wrong, now you have to shave your beard off.[oX)]

Nope, no hand layer is that neat.

I think you are mistaken. I still say it is hand laid. [:-^]


GT Italy??

Grizzly Bears eat pizza. When pizza swims along the waters, it ...Sorry Bear, nothin Italian about that track.

anchovies by Bear, on Flickr

I use some Atlas code 83 and Shinohara. Don’t look like either one of those so I’m going to guess —


Not so bored but like to have fun!

Hey, speaking of games. Maybe we could resurrect TF’s “I spy” thread. Remember that? Could possibly combine the two?

Cheers, Ed

I thought you would be all over this one Ed, not Peco, sorry.

The I spy game would work and maybe draw more viewers.[(-D]

Holmes, what brand of track might this be?

Watson, my dear friend, let us summarize what we know! We can rule out Atlas, as well as Peco being the responsible manufacturer of this piece of evidence. This leaves us with Micro Engineering or this new chap in the market, Jason Shron. I think the most important clue we have got, is the fact that Brent, aka Batman, is from Canada. So is Jason. I conlude that the track is Rapido´s Bendy Track!

By Jove, Holmes, you´ve got it!