This may fly (or not) I have been on hold all day with one agency or another dealing with this Estate I am looking after. Surfing merchandise for sales while I wait has me going stir crazy.
Name the manufacturer of a product and if correct post a photo of something else. To avoid delays in the game, if three two people agree on what something is the winner can post away without the original poster giving the okay.
No cheating by looking or running photo search/inspect info.
Watson, my dear friend, let us summarize what we know! We can rule out Atlas, as well as Peco being the responsible manufacturer of this piece of evidence. This leaves us with Micro Engineering or this new chap in the market, Jason Shron. I think the most important clue we have got, is the fact that Brent, aka Batman, is from Canada. So is Jason. I conlude that the track is Rapido´s Bendy Track!