The new compilation of useful threads

Since the old topic of the same name was no-longer useful because of URL changes in the new forum, I thought I’d put a new one with working URLs on.[:D] I’ll put in URLs leading to some of the original topics, and possibly some new ones.[:D]

NightCrawler tells how to make an SP SD40T-2 step by step.

jfugate’s topic on making realistic scenery.

jfugate’s clinic on designing for satisfying operations

AntonioFP45 tells how to upgrade passenger car interiors.

This thread has some ways of applying decals posted in it.

mtrails tells how to make Athearn motors both quieter and better running.

TA462’s “The Great Proto 2000 Endurance Test,” which mostly just says how reliable P2Ks are.

And my very own way of slowing down diesels made by Mehano.[:D]
NOTE: I found out recently that doing this will make the engine a little noisier, but it’ll at least be slower.

Remember, next time you see a widely useful thread, you can post a URL here.[:D]

And I would like to thank AggroJones for the id

Here’s Joe Fugate’s (sorry) Bob Boudreau’s clinic on photography:


Boy, am I red faced now. My apologies to both of you.

While I would love to take credit for this excellent photography clinic, I’m afraid it’s not mine. It’s Bob Boudreau’s clinic. [swg]

It’s been about 2 months since I started this topic, and it seems it hasn’t worked out like I’d hoped. Maybe it just needs a kick start, so I’ll add another link.

Some detailed explanations on stripping and repainting plastic engines, which could also work with plastic cars, started by zgardner18.[:D]

Agro’s origininal “Compilation” was kept alive by several of its participants “editing” earlier posts to bump it back to the top of the forum at regular intervals to help eliminate the constant repetition of identical questions, and to give both new and experienced modelers a place to find “answers” more easily. Darth a big thank you for your efforts to keep a needed “index” of good information available. Now some of us can keep it alive for the benefit of the forum. A page 8 rescue! How quickly the topics roll in !

Jon Grant shared some of his weathering techniques using acrylic paints as washes and dry brushing. You can find his post at Topic # 916813.

Enjoy! Again thank you Darth for your efforts.


Lots of info on DCC installation, operation and troubleshooting:

Wiring for DCC by Allan Gartner


WHAT!? You don’t know of the legend? LOL [:D]

Heres a link for you…

Aggro(The Legend)Jones’ thread detailing a tree making technique.

Have fun & be safe,

Hmmm… New forum format does not work quite like the old one, in which an “edit” moved the topic back to the top of the forum index. This topic may grow long with “Bumps”.

Agro, how quickly Fame fades eh?! Our short 15 minutes on the stage and off to the catacombs, publish or perish. Most assuredly not a “One Hit Wonder”!


A litle information on Acrylic paints and thinning them for use

Hope this helps those with getting started in various painting tasks.


Darth, thanks for the links. :slight_smile:


What’s On30??!!![;)][(-D][}:)]


Tom - How about your great “lighting” technique. I’m too lazy to look it up myself.

Ed On30 is
“O” scale,
“n” narrow gauge,
“30” inches between the rails. :smiley:
Hope that helps. You also may want to look into narrow gauge railroads. Lots of links on my website about them :smiley:

For the Athearn “owners” who need to service older BB motors. Here is one one of many links:

Hope this is useful to improve performance and quieter operation.


The “U K Wizard”, Jon Grant shares some weathering techniques using acrylic paint for washs and dry brushing, with a promise of some weathering powders as this topic works to completion. Enjoy!


It seems that I may be the only one to be interested in keeping this alive (see my post from page 60 of the forum over a month and a half ago above). Be that as it may, someone found and old tutorial by Grande Man on producing aspen trees that might be of interest to some of the new members of the forum, as well as some of those who have been here for a while.

Link to follow:


P.S. If you find some useful material add it to this compilation as a reference for others, if we add things often enough this will not be buried 60 pages deep into the forum!

Here is an instant classic about ballast and track maintenance by a truly outstanding gentleman - Dave-The-Train.


Here’s a thread about overcoming the challenges of modeling the Golden Age of Railroading, from the Civil War to WWI.

Pre-Big One Modelers, Musket and Sabre Club