The new forum is coming!

Just got the weekly newsletter from Model Railroader. The new forum is coming. More informatioon to be e-mailed in the next couple of weeks. The new site will include premium content for MR subscribers only.


Great, so if you don`t subscribe to MR you will miss out on the site?

According to the e-mail, you will be able to subscribe to the forum, but those who have a subscription to MR will have access to additional content. What that content is, I don’t know and the email doesn’t give us any clues.

Hope this helps.


well I hope that we find out, I really enjoy this forum and have learned alot here!
Plus I look forward to some peoples posts! Where would we be without spacemouse??? lol


By subscribe, I hope it doesn’t mean paying $$

I hope we can all keep our user names,it would suck to have to learn who all the players are all over again,[banghead],I just figgured it out ![:p][;)][}:)]

Well, the MR site already has pay-per-view stuff in the form of the Information Station section, where you pay to download articles.

My guess is, the forum will go on pretty much as it has. I think they are probably upgrading the software, which will give is a better interface. It will probably run smoother, and have more on-line capacity. Hopefully, all us old-timers will get to keep our screen names, or at least re-join with the same ones we have now.

But please, please, PLEASE don’t throw me in that briar patch make us switch passwords every 90 days like we have to at work. Last time I counted, I had like 2 dozen of the dang things, just for work. I want one simple password to remember, easy, like 6 letters, and forget all those &%$# non-alphabetic characters, OK? Thanks.

Oh, I hope they don’t. Maybe I would get a decent one this time around!!! Or at least one that is spelled properly.

I hope none of the topics get deleted when they start the new forum program. If that happened, a lot of great topics would disappear![:O] No more Coffee Shop (established 2004), and I’d have to rewright all my reviews![:O] Now that’s a scary thought.

I agree. Hopefully everything can be moved to the new forum, like when switched to a new forum. DSF, that reminds me, I’m gonna start working on some reviews real soon.

i’m in the same boat as you , i buy MR every month rather than subscribe because i like going down to the store and looking at all the magazines . sometimes i even go to my LHS to buy MR , gives me a chance to see what’s new there

unfortunately i don’t think there’s any way for them to confirm we buy the mag every month so we’ll probably not get to see the extra content . maybe they’ll come up with a way to lt us pay for it without subscribing

Maybe they could have a code that tells you that you have bought the magazine

I sure hope they drop the post count, would remove the fluff.

Yep, heard through the MR grapevine that the entire MR web site is being overhauled, not just this forum.

I suspect you will see this free forum continue, although you will have to sign up like you do today (free signup) to post to it. Plus I expect a MR subscribers only section that will have a few extra goodies, probably tied to a special access code in each issue.

And I know Bergie wants to change how some things work on here (no more stars, for example), so expect to see some changes, and maybe a little reorganization. I also expect most of the current posts to move over.

In short, I expect a new look and feel, new faster and better forum software, and a few changes, plus a few new things. And I also expect they’ll keep the best of what is currently on their site – I for one am excited to see the improvements.

Should be pretty cool. [swg]

Jwar: I heard some time ago that they were planning on dropping the post-count, perhaps this revised forum will do it. Agree with you. Sometimes I look at the number of posts I’ve made over the years and wonder when I EVER get any modeling done, LOL!
Tom [:D]

If the new forum is going to use new software, not Snitz 2000, then yes we all start from post 1. New coffee shop, new DCC threads, etc. Unless some computer geek figured out how to convert all these post to work with the new software.

[MODERATOR NOTE: Not true. All the current forums will be transfer to the new forum software. You’ll keep your current username (although it will be referred to as “screen name”) and your post count will also come with you. You just won’t get stars. - Bergie]

Maybe the PTB will leave this site up has an archive.

This will be a wait and see issue. As I do not subscribe to MR but recieve it on a monthly basis from my LHS it will be interesting to see how the folks at Kalmbach handle this issue as to access to the “Extra Goodies”.

If it’s for subsribers only, I’ll just be on my way.


Perhaps the new software will address the “feature” which tries to reach through my proxy (this machine) to access my server every time I log in?

I could stand to see the end of a lot of active content too. Internet Explorer is just too slow to use regularly, but this site uses too much esoteric code to be viewed text only.

Ah well, one can hope.

I also buy the magazine at my LHS. Sometimes I miss a month, but for the most part, I usually
get it every month. I can understand showing a little favor to people who buy their magazine, but
to make certain “perks” available to subscribers only… seems like a slap in the face to the loyal
readers who obtain their copies in other ways.

I don’t have a clue as to what these “perks” will be… might not even be worth worrying about. But,
I’m sure a lot of folks buy the magazine off of the rack and they should not be left out. Dave