I was looking throught the latest Lionel catalog and i saw the first steam engine that uses TMCCII Legacy (Which both things are so freakin awsome!), but there was no price on that engine. How much is it?
MSRP is $ 1699.99. The engine is listed separately in the catalog - see page 68-71 in the online version at www.lionel.com.
I have to have one of them right now. I love big boys and I love Lionels, the two together is a winning combo for me.
Yeh Big Boys are my favorite too. I am a 14 year old with a $5-a-week alowance. I sadly could not afford one of them or have enough space to put even a circle of O-72 track. I totely agree with u though.
But wow that is so expensive, but worth it. I mean the TMCC 2 legacy system is so cool!There are brake intensity controls and wistle intesities! That is so sweat!
MSRP on the BIg Boy II is $1699, but street price is more like $1450- and that’s including a $300 command system. If you compare that to the $1800 price for the first Big Boy, it’s a good price. Not that my wife would even let me stay in the house if I bought one, but a guy’s gotta have a dream… Geno
Well I am lucky, I got a girl that aint a strong money reducing agent.