I reached a major milesotne of sorts today. I now have a closed loop of track. The loop is about 500 feet long. Unfortunately, most of it will be hidden from view when the layout is completed. Of course there is a lot more layout left to build. The next step will be to power up the remaining segments, about 200 feet, and debug the radio signal used for command control.
I have been spending a lot of time working on the layout lately, which is part of the reason I haven’t been spending very much time on the forum. Something suddenly got me motivated. I think it was the layout tour I went on back at the end of April. Since then, I’ve been pouring in the hours, at least 50 per week.
Back around Thanksgiving, I put out a call for help. I did get one taker, but he has a busy schedule, and I haven’t seen him for a few months. At one point, I thought I was going to get a bunch of his friends to join in. They seemed quite interested when they came to visit in January.
While we were talking, one of the guys asked point blank,#### "What will it take to make trains go?"I thought for a moment, then waved my arms, pointing around the room, to illustrate where the track had to go. Until that moment, I had never considered putting in a temporary cutoff to close a loop.
The 7 feet of track on the pink foam forms the cutoff, and is only temporary. It will be removed when the track on the next peninsula is completed. The turnout at the right of the photo was not part of the original plan, but will remain as permanent, and will be hidden under a highway overpass which the scene called for anyway.
Once everything is running smoothly, the next project will be to sofit in the ductwork, and build the upper deck, then lay the track.