The original metal RDC by Athearn!

I was interested in getting one of these for a long time, and then couldn’t pass up a good deal! It’s a really interesting model, and I think the effort to build it was worth it. This is also my first time trying AntonioFP45’s method of metallizing, and although it didn’t come out as good as what he does, I’m happy with the results!


excellent, well done vid! [Y][:D]

Thank you very kindly for mentioning me. Pleasantly caught me off guard.

I’m trying to send you a message in your PM box, but I don’t see the feature that enables it. Does yours work? If so, please send me a “TEST MESSAGE” so that perhaps the “Reply” feature works and I can send you the message via a response. - Thanks!

Nice work. I was considering restoring a few of those, but had concerns about running qualities. Looks like it runs smooth but slow speed is lacking.

It is a shame Athearn never made an RDC-2 in the plastic version. I’m going to kit bash at least one to build a model of the B&O Daylight Speedliner.

I have a sizable fleet of the plastic version, most with Ernst gear kits.

Interesting that you lettered it for a railroad that only had 2 of them.


Great build, Darth. I always enjoy your productions. Even with the model’s scale, detail, and running shortcomings, it is in itself a historic piece, and can be appreciated as such.

Evapo-rust? Never heard of it, but it is on my list. That remagnetizer is cool, too. Thanks for sharing.


Darth WHAT? [swg]

One of the railroad images that has always impressed me is a picture of a consist of RDCs running down the track. A few years ago I decided that I wanted to have some RDCs running in a line on my layout. I looked into the Athearn units and the prices were certainly attractive, but I was put off by the reviews and I didn’t have the skills that Darth has. So, I threw caution to the wind and bought three Rapido RDCs, two of which are in CP livery and one has the Atlantic Eastern markings. The paint jobs are basically identical except for the lettering and the shields.

My wife ‘gave’ them to me for Christmas. I never did tell her how much they cost![:S]

I still have to install decoders in them. What the heck, it’s only money![swg]



Very nice job Darth, as always.

I always liked the Athearn Budds because of their size: not according to the prototype, but some much better looking on a smallish layout than the ones to scale. I own three Life-Likes, but I only run them at the club where they look really nice on 28" curves. My tighter 22" curves at home make them look so bulky!


Thanks everyone!

AntonioFP45, I’ll try sending you a message and see if it works.

ATLANTIC CENTRAL, I’d guess they didn’t want to spend the extra on tooling more full plastic bodies. The metal ones were probably easier to do the RDC-1, 2, 3 and 4 range since all they had to do was swap out a couple sheet metal stampings. For the lettering, I liked the look of the red cab on the Santa Fe version.[:D]

hon30critter, I probably would’ve gotten one of those Rapido models if I didn’t already have the Proto 1000. The detail on those looks amazing!

snjroy, the smaller size does help them to fit smaller layouts better. I still can’t help but like running some of the large models out there though, even if my layout’s outer radius is 22".

I just tried the direct message feature and am only getting a repeating white box. The forums are at least working better than a while ago, but I guess there are still some bugs to work out.