The question that has been asked a thousand times...

I am asking for a DCC controler that is capable of controling a few trains at once for chrismas. I dont know if that is all I will need. I am hoping to get enought stuff for christmas to be able to lay all of my track down wire it all up and test out a train or two. If there are some user friendly one that would be nice to know.

So what would I need to do this?

1)Track 2)DCC Controler 3)Some Wire 4)A locomotive that is DCC ready.

What else do I need?


And a thousand times the answer still is … righty-tighty, lefty-loosey. [:-^]

This is the first time I have recommended a Bachmann EZ command.

David B

I’ve got a Lenz System 100 myself.

You want a Digitrax Zephyr. The Lenz is overkill. The Zephyr will do what you want, but also gives you an upgrade path forward, something the Bachmann won’t do.

You want an engine that’s already got sound. Really. Since I gave up whistles with my Lionels almost 50 years ago, there’s nothing I was more happy to have back than sound in my current HO layout. Christmas trees, bells, whistles, yeah, that is what you want the kids to wake up to on Christmas morning.

Depending on the DCC controller you might also need a power supply for it. Often an old DC power supply will work. For example the Lenz system a prior poster noted would need a power supply. The Digitrax Zephyr comes with a small one.

Then, I don’t think you want a “DCC ready” locomotive. You need a “DCC equipped” or “with DCC” locomotive. “DCC ready” generally means that it will be easy to add a DCC decoder.

There are a lot of DCC equipped locos out there. To better answer your post, I think these questions will help us narrow down the field for you.

  1. What railroads do you like?

  2. Do you have a preferred time period or era you would like to model?

  3. What type of train would you like to run?

  • Freight
  • Passenger
  • Both
  1. What type of locomotives do you prefer?
  • Diesel
  • Steam
  • Both
  1. Do you have a preferred scale?
  • HO
  • N
  • Other

There are a lot of DCC equipped locos out there. To better answer your post, I think these questions will help us narrow down the field for you.

  1. What railroads do you like? CB&Q

  2. Do you have a preferred time period or era you would like to model? 1940’s

  3. What type of train would you like to run?

  • Freight
  • Passenger
  • Both
  1. What type of locomotives do you prefer?
  • Diesel
  • Steam
  • Both
  1. Do you have a preferred scale?
  • HO
  • N
  • Other

MRC Prodigy Express is the system I use, Its very simple to operate and comes with everything You need to get started except the decoders [no need for a seperate power supply].I have 2 decoders both MRC also, 1 Diesel 1 steam.Oh yeah the Prodigy Express is upgradable.

Hope this helps You.

I am so confused. Are we supposed to answer his questions now?!?

David B

Ah CB&Q, I like that fallen flag as well. I’m not super familiar with the Burlington, so watch out if I linked to a paint scheme or model that is not era appropriate.

Below are just a few of the many CB&Q HO scale locomotives that come with DCC decoders factory installed. Ideally you open the box, place them on the track, and they run. You’ll likely want to reprogram the locomotives address number but that is very easy on most DCC systems. Some are out of stock and no longer being produced, while some have not been released yet. Hopes this helps.


Proto 2000 (LifeLike…now Walthers)

Broadway Limited Imports (BLI)

David B. I’m not sure how much clearer my question post could have been. But sorry if I confused you [%-)]

What my main questions is. I need a good dcc controler and power supply that are fairly easy to use but can run more than one train at once and maybe some cool other button.

How much can you afford?

David B


DCC controllers usually don’t run more than one train at a time. The SYSTEM can, but controllers are usually for one engineer to control one train with. If you have a good sized layout, two or three PEOPLE can operate their own train on the same track as the other people, but yet maintain INDIVIDUAL control of only their train. That is how DCC is designed to work.

It sounds like what you want to do is for YOU to control two or three trains yourself from one controller. To do that in DCC, you would have to keep switching back and forth between loco addresses on the one controller. That can get confusing fast, particular when you have kids and other folks watching you and asking questions.

To do what you want to do for a Christmas type layout, I think that you would be better off with a DC type power pack that can control two trains at once, and stay away from DCC.

So you need track, wire, a DC power pack, and trains.

If it is just for Christmas, maybe get two good starter sets. (Get the same brand for each set since you sound kind of inexperienced. That way they will match up OK without thinking about it.) They should have everything you need in the sets, and you can use one power pack for one train and the other power pack for the second train. You may have to get some more track with a different radius curve so one can go inside the other.

If you decide to get the starter sets, then ask on the Forums which starter sets are better than others. I have no experience with them.

Perhaps he wants a DT400? In that case, he will be in for close to 350 dollars…

David B

I am asking these things for christmas so just shot off prices.

This is going to be more than a chrismas tree layout. I already have the benchwork done. It is 8ftx12ft donunt shaped.

What I mean by two trains at once is if I have 3 locomotives all pulling a 30 car long coal train. Could I run all 3 locos at the same speed with the controler?

Yes, you can speedmatch with any DCC system that will allow you to change CVs (and again, assuming that the decoder supports speed tables). Saying this, you have to rule out Bachmann’s EZ command.

I suggest the Digitrax Zephyr, NCE Power Cab or MRC Prodigy Express/Advanced. There are others, but these are the most supported here in NA. In terms of price, MRSP is out the window because there are many, many ways to get them cheaper.

What I suggest is you let us know exactly what you need the system for, and what you expect it to do. Be VERY specific.

David B

Here is what I plan to do with my layout, ill try and be as specific as possible.

It is a 8ft by 12ft table that is dounut shaped. On the bottom 4ft of the layout I am going to have a single main line that is going to go through a mountain and on to a tall brige which will be curved then it will go backin to the mountain and come out into a small town where I plan on haveing a small stock yard and some misc. buildings. then once I get through all the indestries I am going to put a diesel and steam fueling area. (coal tower, sand, water, diesel fuel) and a decend size yard. The fueling area will be at the top of the yard farthest away from the inside edge. Once you leave the yard you go back into the tunnel and start your circle again.

If you have any questions just let me know, Kyle

Well, then you can use pretty much any DCC system for that layout.

What we need to hear is… “I would like to run 3 trains at once with seperate controls for each, I also want to be able to hook up my computer and maybe in the future have radio control”. …or…“I will be operating by myself and I would like a handheld controller”…or…“…”. Also, say something like, “Cost is a factor to me, I will only have X amount of dollars to invest”.

David B

I have found two DCC controlers that I like I just have a few questions about them

Does the DT400 come with a power supply?

How weak is the power supply that comes with the digitrak zephyr? Is it good enough for what I want to do?


The DT400 is a THROTTLE. It requires a COMMAND STATION like a Zephyr, DB150 or DCS100.

The Zephyr comes with a 2.5 amp power supply. It has plenty of power for what you are going to do (as well as a great choice for a starter DCC system).

David B