The Railroad Vernacular

Let’s list some of the railroadey terms for basic things.

#1 has to be grinding stones for grinding wheels.

Jitney = van

fusee = flare

tricks = shifts

Go ahead… add some more. We can even regional-ize or localize the railroadey terms if you want to.


cabins = caboose around here.

How about hogger, or hog head for engineer.

Bull= railroad detective, or cop, at least around here.


Nope, try waycar …shoving platform …crummy …

…elephant tracker … cinder dick …special agent …

Then you can spot a load.

Or you can place a car.

Then that car that you spotted can become a placecar. “Put the empties behind that placecar”.

When you place that placecar, be sure to tie one on, sting one on, tie it down, spin one on, and anchor it.

…or just chunk it. …got a skate?

Nah, but there’s a blocker.

Hey, wait a minute, that was my favorite stick…

Joint- coupling

Cover-buffer car

[:)] Are "carknockers " still alive and on the job??

Yard Goat



Yellow Thingie

The term “Grinding stone” is not specific to the Railroad industry, it is used for other types of grinding/polishing equipment but nowadays it may be somewhat archaic. If you Google search the term you will get a lot of hits for suppliers of industrial tools/supples, but when you go to the linked websites they are more commonly called wheels…

May you never be anywhere close to LORAM/SPENO when the stones learn to fly.[;)]

armstrong - manually powered; bad order; - beans; - big hook; - brownie; - drag; - drill; - drop; -Johnson bar; - kick; - leg (one half of wye); - meet; - cnfield meet; - cruimmy; dead head;; - gandy dancer; - highball; - in the hole; - on the ground; - outlawed; - sand house; - shoo fly; - varnish; - flimsy

Thats all for now

Early quit

Screw the pooch

Tie up

Grab iron


Bad order

Big hole

Buckle the rubbers

Cornfield meet


Dutch drop


Flying switch




Light engine; engine running light

Oh, yes, but not done often today: quartering the main drivers.

Time to test the modac:

Big-hole the Westinghouse

Bad joint

Lazy cock

Broken injector

Blown head

Humping (with the original location being Honeypot)

Pinch bar

Ice gang

Sleepy R— C.P.R.

