You likely saw an SD18 . . .
Has your email address changed? I have tried contact and am curious how you are doing. Especially if a book about the North end of SSW is forthcoming. endmrw
As a personal friend of Ed. I am confused as to how he can post on the thread (Boy, oh Boy, ED has the MOST minute details regarding SSW/SP stuff) BUT THEN when I tried to find him in the “leaderboard” (isn’t this a list of ALL…of us who are members?). I can’t find Ed in that listing.
BTW This Firecrown versitle categories of searching for things is amazing.
Congrates Firecrown. BTW I commented NOT seeing the spam complained about. Well as I have scanned ALL the opportunities to see so many aspects of the new Forum, yep I “saw” some “ofem”. endmrw0203251142
BTW yet again…Another outstanding feature of Fircrown’s efforts. They reached back to old material which Ed posted, BUT he hasn’t been active lately to get in the leaderboard line-up. I will email him to join us. endmrw0202251148