The times they are a changin' (a la Supreme Court)

In as much as there have been numerous impacts on the model RR industry relative to patents and lawsuits in recent times, I find the recent Supreme Court ruling on patents potentially very refreshing. Justice rides a slow horse, but she does get around.,2933,270531,00.html

Let’s just make this a clickable link.,2933,270531,00.html

I wonder if that’ll help out the JMRI guys then?

I remember reading that they were having a lot of trouble from someone about their program…

As long as that horse stays away from European case law when making their decisions. I gagged a few years ago when they did that.

Has anyone informed MTH about this?[:O] Or was Mike in the gallery when it was announced?[}:)]

Does theat mean the model companies can now sue Union Pacific and CSX for painting their equipment like their models?