Talk about an operation that is really on top of things.
Not only are they prompt in sending a bill to a young girl they maimed (see Newswire) for the damage SHE caused to their equipment in the course of becoming maimed, but they have teams of lawyers who – in the exact manner of low-level Mafiosi roaming the diners and truck stops of upper New Jersey – demand a piece of the action of the entire model railroad industry, an industry that probably clears enough profit in a year to maybe buy or at least rent one prototype flatcar. I notice for example that a newly released brass Texas & Pacific 2-10-4 is officially licensed by the UP! As if they have any interest in running the real one! Could any member of the Board of DIrectors of the UP correctly find the location of the T&P on a map?
Meanwhile their trains sit in sidings and they divert traffic they fought for to the trucks because they don’'t have the crews or the power to run them. Where is the power? Oh … in the paint shop being “rebranded” from the original CNW or SP paint scheme … Where are the crews? Oh they were furloughed to create the “profit” from their various mergers and acquisitions.
But their steam program is extremely well run. The older they pretend to be, the better, it seems.
Shades of ancient Rome. The city is burning but the violin music is exquisite, Mr. Nero.
Dave Nelson