The Union Pacific Railroad doesn't miss a trick, does it?

That’s the way to think! The we can split it up into the A&S, C&NW, MKT, T&P, D&RGW, WP, SP, MoPac, and label the remains of the “old” UP system the Omaha & Pacific, or just give it to BNSF.[;)]

Oh, and we can tell KCS to sell it’s Gateway Western trackage and take the Joliet-St. Louis UP main, then buy back the Joliet-Chicago section from the CN, and remake the CHICAGO & ALTON. Now that would make it worthwhile!

Try charging admission to let your friends watch a movie you rented. Try selling a bootleg copy of said video. As has been stated here before you can’t use some one elses intellectual property without paying a license fee.( or you have permission). Waner Bros. and Fox shut down several “personal fan websites” that used “borrowed images” without permission. I

UP has a right to protect their copyright. no one complains when every other big business does it, why to you all whine and cry when UP does it? and the surcharge is very small. like 1.50 on a 100 dollar locomotive. the manufacturers are doing a great job ripping off the modelers by charging more. (especially Athearn)

and that woman was responsible for the accident, she should have to pay for the damages. i have ZERO sympathy for people that get hit by a train.