These new BACHMANN Dash 8-40CWs, one thumb up from me on looks!!

So I am checking out the Railroad modeler magazine and I see an add about the Bachmann Dash 8 units. Wow. I dont care, I have to admit it guys, Those units look HOT!! They look good man! You have to agree. The one big big turnoff about those units is the ridiculous retail price of $160. Now as good as they look I still have to keep in mind that they are made by Bachmann not Kato. So how in the heck could these units retail for the same OR more than Genesis, Kato, or Atlas units? Yes I know they have sound and DCC but for the Athearn Genesis Sound SD60M there retail is only $169.97. Now when I try to make a comparasion of a reliable unit from Athearn or a not so great history Bachmann Spectrum unit it becomes a no brainer for what I would rather purchase. GENESIS of course. So my question is who is a current owner of these Bachmann Dash 8-40CW?? How do they run, look, sound and smell in person (last one was a joke duh!) Judging by the picturs in the add I can see that they look fantastic so that is a big step for a Bachmann engine I think. My last question is just only judging between the two companies reputation which would you choose to buy

Bachmann Spectrum Dash 8-40CW $160 sound/DCC or

Athearn Genesis SD60M $169 sound/DCC???

Bump to the front

If they look good to you, buy them. Some models look decent to me and then I discover problems like the first Bachmann 8-40CW’s had and I tossed out several of the original Dash 8-40CW’s from Bachmann because they were not detailed and were not the correct height. They were so poor in overall quality that I junked them.

These may be updated and better, but it is hard to beat the Atlas Dash 8-40-CW models for detail and fidelity. They were so great I sold my Overland models of the Dash 8’s.&nbs

Thinking of it I really should have compared the Atlas Dash 8 to the Bachmann as opposed to the Genesis SD60M. You know the prices may be very similar too and I guess if you have to choose I would also bet my money with Atlas rather than cheapo Bachmann Thanks. In the magazine the Bachmann ones look pretty decent though