"Things Your Mother Never Told You About....

model railroading"?

Let’s see, she never told me the formula for making ‘ground goop’ . Hmmmm, what are some others, do you have any?

I still remember on my old layout at my parents’ house how I wanted to follow in the steps of Jim Hediger’s article about extending a staging yard on his Ohio Southern. I wanted to put a staging yard in the food pantry in the room next to my layout. I asked my mom if I could use one of the shelves, and she said yes and told me which one. When I told her it was too high, she asked me why I needed a lower shelf. When I told her I was going to cut a hole through the wall to run the track through, she went through the roof.

That idea was immediately abandoned.


She never told me, “Now if you set up that little oval of track on the floor, it will trigger a life-long obsession that will eventually have you staring longingly at what other people consider cast-off junk, wondering how you might incorporate it into your layout.”


Sounds like a valid reason to me!


The secrets of the, sisterhood.


She never told me that trains would be more expensive the girls, even the wife says she thinks it would be cheaper if I had a girlfriend I told her only if she liked trains.

That I was found floating down the Schuylkill River in a basket, wrapped in a Pullman blanket. She snatched me up and raised me as her own, not realizing that in time I would be drawn back to my own and become a………….model railroader…………spending 400 years in a dark, dank basement. Having parted the room with a false wall (workshop on one side, train room on the other), I proceeded to learn the Ten Commandments of Model Railroad Yard Design. The years spent convincing neighbors that this was the only way to run trains eventually bore fruit - the people came and they liked what they saw, encouraging me to build more and spread the word. Thus, I was able to create a layout of biblical proportions in a size that one could see and touch………Moe’s S Gauge Train Layout.

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. She never actually told me that.