This is a nice set. Great price too.

Wow!! The MTH GP40 Chessie “Show Train” Set. Includes a GP40 loco, scale sized, smoke, Proto2, and all of the other features, a 5 car trailing freight set, and a very nice price. When do you think the delivery time will be?

(Note, click on the catalog cover, scroll down to Premier, and hit Chessie Show Train Set)

Well T-man, I placed my order for my Chessie GP40 (2006 Vol 1) last February, for an engine that was due out in April. Then they pushed it back to July, then October, now December. A good source of mine advised that a lot of Mike’s premier line runs 18 months over due at times.

Soooo, give us a review next Christmas…hopefully I’ll have mine by then too…[banghead]

Wow, that late? Makes me wonder how late the Union Pacific Heritage Sets will be. The shipping date is supposed to be Jan, but from what you said, maybe they will be late.

I just cant wait for them heritage sets to come out.

I saw MTH’s Heritage engines at York last month. They looked pretty sharp.

I like the GG-1 set with passenger cars. Not bad for $500. Wonder if they will get those out this year.

I already got the Southern Pacific Heritage set on preorder right now.

yeah i like this chessie set thats coming out to but my thing is that i run tmcc and not mth’s system. i like what mth is doing but i just dont want to fork out the money for the system. maybe one day i will do that maybe. if i did will this require a different wiring technique from the tmcc. also i like the heritage engines that they have coming out to. i’m a loyal lionel guy but when it comes to details on their trains i think mth has the upper hand nothing against lionel as i am a loyal buyer. but i really like this chessie train set. could be the 1st mth purchase i make besides the sd50 and sd60 dummy engines i got and maybe a couple accessories. if mth reads this keep doing what you do as i might jump that fence one day. not that it matters to them for all the other loyal mth customers that spend their money with them. my measly 4 to 5 hundred dollars probably wouldnt make them any difference.