Those waiting for Sunset Selkirk 2-10-4 in brass with QSI

The company is stating that they will produce a shorter than expected run due in March, and that the price is now USD$1099 plus S&H. Look for similar price increases in the range of 20-25% across the engine production business, regardless of what it is or who is importing it.

All together now…



Makes me glad I am not one of the more current modelers in this hobby that relies solely on RTR products and that I have the ablities to actual do my own modeling. And by that I mean install modern can motors and sound/dcc in my own engines, be they brass, plastic or diecast. I look at the prices for everything that is current production, then look at how my available income to spend on such products hasnt grown enough to keep up with life’s required bills, let alone trains and wonder how some folks can afford it anymore. Espicaly those that have to have everything RTR or the newest and greatest on the market. I will stick with my brass steam from the 60s thru the mid 70’s in vintage, Athearn blue box engines that I detail to a level I am happy with and my older freight car kits and building kits. Gotta love a estate sale table at a train show. Unfortunatly this hobby is fast becoming one for the more well off, atleast as far as brand new product is concerned, and this is not a good thing! Many new modelers may not know of the bargains that abound at train shows, what older models are good, what are easily upgraded for DCC and sound or even how to go about doing those upgrades. One of the classes we are taking about having at the LHS is modeling on a budget and I am putting one on that deals with working on and repowering/adding DCC to older models and specificly older brass. Cheers Mike


Timing is everything.[:(!]

I just put an offer in on a a 29’ Jayco trailer so I can watch trains in style at Canyon Hot Springs this year. I wonder if the wife and kids would let me back out on the trailer.[^o)]

I’ve been waiting a long time for this one. But I canceled my order a long time ago, after two years of waiting.

Tell ya what Crandell, after you get tired of playing with yours I’ll buy it off you. At a greatly reduced price of course.[swg]


Ouch is right! But thanks for the update. Makes some of the older runs at $800+ look a little better. A little…

Any idea what the CDN price will be once landed up here?


Any idea about minimum radius for that handsome puppy? I’m thinking about 34" or so, which might further limit its use on some model railroads. I know that Sunset’s Z-6 was rated at 30" minimum radius, but that was an articulated, and we’re talking 10-coupled rigid wheelbase here.

At any rate, I’m sure that whatever they produce will be sold, and FAST! Those Selkirks are one of the handsomest steam locos I’ve ever seen.


Brent, at that price I’m afraid I’m going to have to be buried with it. When She learns how much it will cost “us”, she’ll make sure that I am anatomically well meshed with it…if you know what I mean.

Tom, the claim from Sunset is that it is gee-arrenteed to go around 30" curves. I don’t know about your experience, but I’m guessing it would be foolish to make a brass engine of that Whyte notation run on the minimums…unless it has blind drivers on at least two axles. So, I was thinking I would try for 33" and that should be okay. As it is, all my main curves are 28" or larger, but I think I am about to have to do some surgery to several.

I already have some Rapido CPR cars, so I’m rarin’ ta go.


I’ve got 2 Samhongsa Selkirks, an “a” and a “c”. I’m hoping they will keep on a 30" because that all I can afford for space. Both seem to sit on the curves quite nicely but I haven’t run them yet as they need to be “Decodered” and painted.
