As I’m sure most of you have heard, sometime down the line Bergie is planning a format change for the forums. I have seen the new format and I am not impressed. I would rather it didn’t change. What do you all think about it?
Sample of new format (hijacked from Nanaimo73)
I am gald the stars are going away. That should get rid of a lot of the useless posts and threads from folks who are “star chasing”.
Great…all I have to do is move my chair about four or five feet away from the monitor and it looks good!
I’d like to see HTML code enabled so tables can be included. When you “Post New Reply” you can see that option “HTML is OFF”.
I personally do not want to see a change,I pretty much like it the way it is now.
I can see the good in both. No secret on my part, but as long as I can talk about my rail interests (mainly Southern Pacific) I’m okay with any format.
I find the sample too difficult to read to pass judgement.
As long as the print is the same size,no problem.It may just be this library computer I am using.! I sure hope so. I have no problem losing the stars,as long as we keep the post counts. The addition of avatars is a good idea[:)].
Don’t really want to see the current format changed. Just give everyone one star,
or whatever, and keep their post count. Would work for me, because I never pay
attention to the number of starts anyone has, anyway.
Personaly if I had a 12pack right about now I would be Drunker than a skunk.
No seriously. As for the stars. Bergie needs to get rid of them. I wouldn’t mind a new Forum look. Allan.
I vote no.
Why do a few want the post count to remain??
Well, I can’t read the text on my 15" monitor with the 1600x1200 resolution. I would therefore have to change screen resolution every time I wanted to log on and that would not likely happen.
The stars and smileys could all go and I doubt many would feel a loss. Mark up date might be nice to keep.
While I don’t mind a little progress once in a while, and this forum certainly has its fair share of problems (like never getting any follow-up e-mails for “Watch this topic”), I would also like to see some things remain. Smilies are one of the things that are always popular, and I don’t mind the stars, though a few people around here could possibly have earned a sixth star by now…
I’m not really sure I like the “new” forum. It looks a lot like phpBB, which I am a big fan of, but it doesn’t quite have the same “feel”. For everyone’s sake, don’t go with vBulletin, I really can’t stand that format! (e.g forums)
Of course, the problem with phpBB is that it runs on a Linux server, while Kalmbach runs on a Windows server, so (I think) they’re stuck with ASP-based forums. [banghead]
I think it might make some sense to further sub-categorize the posts on the forum, otherwise I find myself weeding through page after page after page of topics, and I’m sure I completely miss some great discussions because they’re down on the eleventeenth page somewhere.
Anyways, my [2c]…
Ahhh, you know what they say, progress is nourishment for the mind, so I think it’s time we evolve or perish.
The format reminds me of a few other forums I use, and the change will probably get rid of one annoying problem that has been unique to this forum for me, not being able to see whatever letter I just typed in last, until I enter another (probably not noticeable for you windows users).
So yeah, I welcome the change… Good riddance to the old forum bugs, and bring on the new ones [8D]
Let me get this straight…some of you are getting very small print?
Because when I looked at teh sample, the lettering was huge!
Truly, I had to back away from the monitor to read it…yet this format, (the one we are using rightn now) is just right, easy to read.
As for the stars…to me it matter very little…same for the post count…it is the quality, not the quanity that counts.
I won’t mind losing the stars. Two and three years ago when few people had stars they were a big deal. Now that so many people have stars it isn’t such a big thing anymore. We use to make a big fuss when someone gained a new star. Now it happens all the time.
I am sure it will be a learning curve for me, but whatever format they use, I will adapt.
I would like to see the stars go away - red isn’t my favorite color - except in football.
Orange isn’t either, but there again, they didn’t listen to me when they painted the BNSF engines, either!