I am in the design stages and am wondering about using 1/2" Foam Board instead of plywood of course I would cross-brace the layout. I read about this in a design book I purchase and wanted some thoughts from those in the know. This would be for a 4x8 layout fyi
If you are referring to extruded foam insulation board (blue or pink), I would not recommend 1/2". My recommendation would be to use 2", as it is nearly self supporting by itself, though a framework under it is recommended. Also, the 2" allows you to carve into it for below grade scenic effects. You could use 1" with a support frame, but you obviously would not be able to have as much below grade depth.
I have to agree. Go with the 2" pink or blue insulation.
I just completed my benchwork and used a hollow core door with 2" foam insulation. It’s very sturdy and I anticipate a lot of advantages to using foam vs. the traditional method.
Guess the question that must be asked first is why would you want to? 1/2" is too thin to support itself so any weight savings you gain would be lost by the need to cross brace the frame like crazy and then there’s the weight added right back. 1/2" is way too thin to cut any real relief into so you gain zip over good old plywood on that count too. Just use the 2" foam and you get the weight savings, can use only a few cross braces of wood under it and can carve scenery features into it to get away from the Mid-West cornfield look (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
I think now it’s goign to be blue or purple - I was in Home Depot tonight and it looks like Owens-Cornign changed their formula, it now says something about ozone-safe, and all they had in stock now looks more purple than pink. It’s still Foamular 250, My local Lowes also has another brand that’s green.
I would recommend typing “foam” in the forum’s search box. When you execute the search, you’ll find many threads (including this one) discussing the plusses and minuses of using extruded foam as subroadbed.
You’ll get a good idea of what to expect when using it.
My experience so far has been positive. I have found that trains rolling over it are noisier than ones rolling over plywood. How much that noise bothers you is a judgement call. I would do a mockup test with real equipment and foam before making your decision.