Hi There

I have always been facinated with Thunderstorms,does anybody know a website that has pictures of trains in thunderstorms and other weather conditions like Snow.Thanks for any help


check the trains photo gallery they have some good stuff
be safe

If you want to have some fun, watch the weather channel for thunderstorms around the Rochelle Ill area. Then next go to this site,

Click on any of these local radars, Chicago,Milw,or the Quad cities area. Watch these radars from time to time an when they show a orange or red dots, this indicates really good t-storms.

When the t-storms are in the area, go to the Rochelle web site. Because of the 3-5 second hold on the camera, it will freeze the frame for 3-5 seconds. I have seen many a lightning streak/strike near or at the diamonds. If your lucky you can catch a train passing thru, it sorta turns things to daylight!! Pretty cool!

BTW For those that are not familar with the area, follow the red line south from Rockford until it crosses a e/w line, that the location of Rochelle. The red lines are the freeway system.