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Timber Tunnel Portal and Timber Retaining Wall by Hunterline Kits
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Timber Tunnel Portal and Timber Retaining Wall by Hunterline Kits
This great, I have been looking for something like this. I like to build things like this to use on my layout. Thanks
Thanks! Just what I was looking for.
I find this very interesting. The part about making a copy and using it with double sided tape gives me a whole new insight. Think it will be very helpful in the future. I’m working on the oil boom in Burkburnett, Texas, the town the old Clark Gable movie “Boomtown” was about. Oil was struck ther about ten years before I was born and has always been part of my life. When building things such as oil derricks , pumps and such I think this will be of help. Thanks.
In the past I have bought some of their scale lumbeer and siding, but not kits to this point. The kits I have seen when I met them in Detroit and at Trainfest were very nice, but a bit beyond what I could have afforded at the time. This encourages me to look into their kits again now that I am retired and have more time to build. Thanks for the review!
You didn’t say which scale these kits are in. I work in On30.
Excellent review…well written and it certainly has me interested in trying my hand at one of their kits. The pictures were also well done. Thanks
I stumbled onto the same technique as Dennis, using double-sided tape on a copy of the project pattern and assembling the parts on top of the tape. I build craftsman kits and this has saved me a lot of time and frustration. A word of caution – be sure to use a “weak” tape such as Scotch removable tape from 3M, not a strong tape such as double-sided carpet tape. Using the latter, you’ll never get the parts off without breaking something. Also, I use an X-Acto knife with a chisel-edge blade to slip the assembled parts off of the tape after the glue has dried.
Hi Douglas Howard,
The Hunterline folks (Good Guys, give them a call and say HI for me) make these kits in a number of scales and I’m sure they have what you want. Very nicely made kits.
I am looking to enlarge the portal openning of a tunnel, can anyone give me some help on how to do that, this is a square opening, but what ablut one that is arched and with a keystone?