It has been a wonderfull run, my friends. I have enjoyed our discussions and minor arguments over the years. Some of my fondest memories include the “Robber Baron Wars” of years long past. By Thursday I will be moving from my home and Garden Railroad to the local Hospice.
Rene: you may want to consider replacing me as a moderator for this board. I don’t think it really needs one now.
Eric: time for you to pickup the mantle of coach of lessons learned.
Greg: Keep the guys straight on all the electronics.
Wow, just wondering how you were doing as haven’t heard from you in a while. Sorry to hear of your condition. I have enjoyed all the conversations between us and others over the few years that I have known you. Always found your comments to the point and instructive and mostly very kind. Eric has sent me the challenge of the sugar barons sometime ago, but being lazy and with no layout just never got around to getting started, but will now if my back continues to improve. Eric is just so well written and stages everything with his playmobil that it’s hard to get the upper hand. Tom, thanks for all your helpful suggestions over the year and sharing of pictures, have especially enjoyed viewing your layout on Pinterest. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Bill Barnwell
Yes it has been fun, and I think we all have learned a lot from one another. Eric seems to be a quick learner, keep his feet to the fire for me. Visited my new room this morning, cable tv and hard wired internet. I’m not ‘going dark’ as soon as I had tought. Son-in-law has agreed to post my final post.
My trains (track and buildings) will be moving to a childrens hospital in Texas. A small group of G-scalers is beginning to build an outdoor layout where the kids will be able to run the trains from an enclosed sun room.
I appreciate all you’ve done for GRW and the forum over the years. You’ve helped many people enjoy the hobby. I know you’ll treasure each day and your memories.
I’m down on Carlsbad, so if you need a hand with setting things up to go to , just let me know, and I will get up there for whatever you need.
Been a great ride, and believe me it’s better to go with your head on straight…
Thanks for the offer. Daughter took a leave of absence from work to stay with me. Son-in-law is using vacation time to set things up for me. They live in Texas. Braille is hooking me up for my new room with 2 LARGE screen monitors for my computer, wireless mouse and keyboard. One monitor for the desk and one beside the bed so I can do Netflixing and such. Carre has hooked up with real estae team to prep the house for sale. Everything is well under control.
Do me one favor, Keep the guys straight on the electronics. As a confirmed analog dinosaur I have admired your knowledge and willingness to help others in our hobby.
Tom, so sorry to hear this news. Although I have not been active on this forum for a while, I often thought of you. I enjoyed your posts, and your kind words of encouragement to others.
I have been on vacation, burning my credit card in part on railroad supplies and parts, and I just recenlty recieved news of your move from “Chochowilly” (Bill).
As I told Bill, the Triple O owes much of its existence to your ideas, guidance, and gentle prodding. You opend the doors to wonderful hobby for me and my family. Words expressing a sufficiency of appreciation fail me. Hopefully, my running progress report provided vicarious enjoyment of our efforts, obstacles, and occasional triumphs!
I have big, big shoes to fill if I am to follow your orders and “pickup the mantle of coach of lessons learned,” but, as we used to say, “I relieve you, Sir! I have the watch!”
Wow I’m really sorry to hear this Tom, hope all is well with you. Good luck with the move.
Sorry I came to this conversation so late. If you need foster homes for anything let me know. Hopefully you’ve already taken care of all than before you planned your move.
Got settled into my new place. Great crew here, several good looking nurses and of course Nurse Kratchet. She makes sure every day the we understand she is in charge. On Monday I made a bit of a comotion. I was watching an episode of Doctor Who on my streaming service while housekeeping was doing their thing. Since the door was open while they were in the room the sound track leaked out into the main hallway. Adult children of other residents came by to find out which channel of TV was showing Doctor Who. At dinning room for lunch Nurse Kratchet asked if I minded having other residents in my room to watch the show. She set up a schedule, twice a day, for others to come to my room for episodes of Doctor Who. There are seven other fans of Doctor Who in my wing. Getting a bunch of socializing here, not so bad.