Much to my regret I have to inform you, that I have just turned in my resignation from being a moderator of the Trains forums.
Family matters and the decision to run for office in the upcoming parliamentary election in Germany do not allow me to dedicate a sufficient amount of time to do a proper job any longer.
Time to step back!
It´s been an honor and a pleasure (well, not always [swg]) to serve the community. I´d like to say thank you to all for supporting me in this sometimes not always rewarding task.
I do hope to still find the time to be a frequent visitor.
Sorry to hear this Ulrich! Know that I have appreciated your fair and helpful moderation! Good luck with your future endeavors and I wish you the best.
I ran for and unfortunately won a seat on my town Council, so spent three years essentially away from the hobby and all my other pursuits except work. IT ISN’T WORTH IT!
Run away! Run away now!!! Take it from me, you’ll get a lot of abuse from your opponents, and most of the electorate really doesn’t care one way or the other.
But good luck on your run, and my congratulations (and heartfelt condolences) if you win.
great to hear about your plans for the future. It means you are back to being the last man standing.
Such a difference with some time ago, health is so important and sadly enough not to be taken for granted.
I knew you were moderating, I always liked the way people were communicating on this forum. Always there are a very few exceptions. Sometimes i would like to hear about the argument why someone is expelled or someones thread is locked. However you’ve done this job almost without being noticed, so you did very well.
Wish you luck, for your whole family as well and luck with your new life too.
Whew! I thought you were really saying “Auf Wiedersehen.” You’re just giving up the part where you have to pick up after us, wipe our noses and tell us to stop, look and listen before we cross the tracks.
Good luck in your new endeavor. If your government is anything like ours, you’ll need to come back here now and again just to let off steam.
I am sorry to see you go as a regular contributor to this forum but I’m happy to see that you have taken on something with such enthusiasm. I hope that you will be able to find the time to drop in and keep us informed of your progress. You have had a lot to deal with of late and I hope that your new adventure will give you the respite that you need.
I do recall some of what you’ve gone through over the last two years or so. I do wish you the best in your political endeavor, as well as with your family matters.
As a modeler, I’ve been inspired by your ideas and layout designs. Please do not be a starnger. I know you’ll be quite busy but take a little time out to visit once in a while.
I was always taught to make difference. You have done that here on the forum as an enthusiastic participant and as moderator. Good luck with your pursuit of public service. Win or lose you are making a difference.
Whew!!! Like others I thought you were headed out of the hobby. A much better case, thankfully.
Thank you for your service as moderator and all the advise you have given as a member of the forums. Do hope that your new endeavor will give you time to stop in and stay up to date, not only on the forums, but on your own layout.
Best wishes in the election and good luck in what can be a thankless job.
Richard - work on my own layout will have to wait for quite some time. I am a little sad about this, as I am still somewhat in love with my rather exotic “Schietwedderooger Kleinbahn” layout idea of a micro-sized layout in On30. But time will certainly come!