As a first time layout builder with only enough space to set up a 2x8 foot module, a suggestion to build a “Timesaver switching layout” was made to me. Unfortunetly, I have no idea what this is. Any idea where I can find this plan?Thanks.
Go to this site it will show the trackplan as well as the rules for using it. It also has variations.
I’m curious, too. There was a reference in the book “48 Top Notch Track Plans from Model Railroader” (the “Muss, Cuss, and Fuss” railroad plan) to a “timesaver” switching puzzle, but no explanation. Anybody know what this is?
‘Timesaver’ refers to a very specific track plan invented as part of a switching game by John Allen. On the real thing, you don;t have speed control, it is set to a fixed slow speed. You have a toggle to reverse direction, that’s it. The siding lengths are very specific to force you into making certain moves to run around cars and so forth - it’s not very realistic, but it is a fun and challenging puzzle. A layout with sidings arranged like a Timesaver but with longer leads and runarounds is NOT a Timesaver. Other Timesaver variations I have seen actually have TWO complete Timesaves on one layout, allowing two people to go head to head instead of runnign against the clock, and allows the added element of an interchange betwen the two contestants.
Check out the 2005 issue of MR Planning – there is a nice switching layout (I remember the dimensions being 1 ft. x 6 ft. - I’m at work and don’t have the issue with me). Used building flats to save space but could be expanded to 2 x 8 very easily and have more depth to the buildings and possibly more trackage - definitely more detailing possibilities.
Here’s a site with lots of small layouts including some based on the Timesaver.