I enjoy tin lithographed model railroad buildings by Marx, Karl Bub, Hornby, Bing and other manufacturers, and have a number on the layout or displayed in the train room. Two of the structures are a Middletown Station and an MT Tower, both in an attractive lithographed red brick decor. I have searched the internet, and have found little on these buildings or the company itself. I have, however, located a scan of one of the company’s catalogs, including these two structures, in, of all places, the Photo Section of the YahooGroup relating to Plasticville (probably because Skyline also manufactured plastic structures in the early '50’s). I have found no reference to them on Thor’s website, The All Gauge Model Railroading Page, at www.thortrains.net. Question: Is anyone aware of any online or written resource that catalogs the tin litho production of this company? Thanks.
I’d be interested in finding this out, too. As far as I know, there isn’t any such source on the internet. I don’t own any Skyline buildings yet, but I have seen them on ebay occaisionally. I really enjoy lithographed buildings myself and have many on my layout.
Can’t help you, guys. I have Marx and some Wolverine and other pieces, but no Skyline. Heck, even new tin has been lagging because of a lack of interesting new pieces locally.
Later this season, I want to convert a Marx tin litho carry-all castle into an old-time station.
Well, I checked everything I could for you last night and tonight. I thought I remembered that the TCA Quarterly had had an article on Skyline which they did but it was on Skyline Builder - the series of buildings offered by Lionel in the 1940’s. A check of their comprehensive index indicates that no one has ever written anything in TCA on those buildings-at least not with the title or subject listed as such. Like you, I have the station (by the way does yours have the snap-in interior light?) and I too think they are interesting looking buildings. Guess I’ll have to check some of the paper sellers at York next month and see if anyone has anything.