Tiny Town Train derailment

The above just came over the radio. They said a “tourist train” derailed in Colarado while going through a place called “Tiny Town”. Is this anything to do with the D & SNG? The bulletin said 20 people injured. What’s going on?


This railroad does NOT have anything to do with the

D &SNG or Silverton popular tourist train in southern Colorado.

The TINY TOWN TRAIN is a mini-train ride at Tiny Town, Colorado, USA.

This tourist attraction is located in Morrison, Colorado

Here is the wikipedia entry for the Tiny Town attraction in Colorado:


Tiny Town or Morrison, Colorado is located about 17 miles west of Denver, CO.

My prayers go to all of those shaken up over this scary derailment.

For comparison here is the wikipedia entry for the famous “Silverton Train” in Colorado:


The Silverton Train only gets as close as 357 Miles from Denver in the town of Silverton, CO

---- Daniel

Some cable channel (Travel Channel, History Channel, HGTV) I’m not sure which, did a segment about Tiny Town and all of the troubles it has seen during its existence. I give the owners credit for sticking with it through the years.