Tired of using Plaster or Styrofoam for mountian scenery?

I dont know this has been posted before or not, but it is a cool alternative to foam and plaster, it is also not as time consuming. One of the guys at the local Model RR club got to explaining this to me and it sounds like a great idea!! It uses at 2 part foam, nylon bug screen, bubble wrap, laytex rock molds,and a few other materials.

A complete list of materials with instructions linked below.


I just tried it on my module and it works great!

Seen this done at the Springfield Ma show, or a variation, is a rather interesting alternative.
Bob K.

Looks way more time consuming to me. I do use the screen and the hot glue gun though. Those glue guns are a real time saver.

ive done screen wire and news paper… with elmers white glue thined out with water… wade up a bunch of news papers into balls… put the screen wire over them…with some wire clothing hanngers built in for suport…cut the news paper into strips and brush on the watered down glue mix… and just lay them so they overlap in all directions… when it dryes…its hard as a rock…and is very easily painted to what ever color you want as a bace for your senerry… plaster rocks are easly cast to it and holds like steel… and…its CHEEP… only spent about 20 bucks to do a crap load of mountins at the club…
csx engineer

DUH!!! I never thought of using glue coated strips first[:I] That would really cut down on weight and be a lot harder.(thanks, now I feel stupid)

I’ve heard it’s a bit pricey . . .

what is a bit pricey?
csx engineer

Try this…it’s fast and cheap and works out to clean up with water…mix water, water-based paint and latex caulk mixed intot a consistancy of pancake batter or a bit thinner. Soak newpaper or paper bags in the solution and lay the sheets over foam scraps, crumpled up paper bags, the mix will harden quite well and will not crack like with plaster. The color you use to stain the mix will work out to make an earth tone basic color and then when the first coat is dry, keep repeating the procedure until th paper is very stiff, then paint your earth tone details onto the paper.