Congrats on your new job. What kind of locos are inthe deadline? It’s really nice when a few F40s are on the property. The B39s are among my favorites as GE 4-axle locomtives. Oh, and what is their official designation, B39-8E or something like that?
You will find GP-7s GP35Rs GP-38 F-40ph F-40m GP-9s B39-8 and a C 30-7 in our dead line. The neatest part are the old frieght cars like 8000 gal tank cars 40’ boxcars, old red white and blue BAR cars and antiques like that.
Gee, sure would be nice to some pics of some of those antiques!!
Jeez I didn’t know there were that many junkers on the MMA!
Thanks for the info.
Mr. Stahl, I do not know if you are a model railroader, if you are you might be interested in this.
Is there a website for the MMA or is the motive power roster in another thread somewhere. I did a search and couldn’t find anything.
MMA roster (includes stored and leased locomotives):
The “new” B23-7 was put onto service and is doing fine, were pretty happy with it. I’d really like to get some more. look for a new paint sceme soon.