Over the last year or so, I tore apart all my old MR magazine (5 years worth or so), and scanned in any articles I couldn’t live without into my computer.
I just started contemplating doing the same with my MRR Planning and Great MRR’s. There is so much good stuff in there - I have about 5 of each.
Then I was thinking about just ripping out my favorite articles, and keeping them in a binder or something. But there are too many good ones!
I am making a huge effort to minimize myself of possessions - because owning too much stuff, even magazines, books, etc. can be a really big hassle every time you move, clean up your house, etc.
I’m thinking about just donating them to the local hobby shop or something.
Then there are certain articles I want to keep - like all of David Barrow’s stuff, because I like his modular approach. I did a search on the Magazine Index (at modelrailroader.com), and he’s got tons of articls out there that I never read.
I think I need to sit back and realize that I’ve read enough magazines over the years, and it’s not like I’m going to be missing out on something if I toss my old magazines.
I saw Nicholas Cage (yes, the actor) on TV several years ago. He was getting rid of many of his possessions. He said something to the effect of, “when you have too many possessions, your possessions begin to own you”.
I’m about to cringe as I drop the old mags off at the hobby shop - or better yet, maybe I should Ebay them.
Oh man - here’s another problem. The internet! Thanks to the internet, there are so many Model Railroads you could check out. I just discovered RPI’s NEB & W website. Wow man - crazy stuff. Ted York has a website on his Cajon Pass layout. There’s so much out there.
Does it sound like I have a psychological problem? Yes, I think I do. My wife is awesome - she’ll find some old box of stuff of hers, and within 2 minutes she’ll have it sorted for tras