Well done Tom Danneman! Well done indeed!
And maybe I’m going where I shouldn’t, but looking at the other photos, and the beauty and majesty of this planet, and all I can say is look at those shots and then tell me there’s no God.
I won’t believe you.
Both the Dannemans are amazing. I have found their work incredibly inspiring, and incredibly beautiful.
There are so many others, too.
Number 36 - “Just Room Enough,” is located not 20 miles from my door, and just a few hundred yards from Boldt Castle, near Alexandria Bay, NY.
I’ve seen it many times.
Cool stuff.
[EDITED] 12. is captioned as “COAL TRAIN AT SUNSET” - it’s back-lit by a thin strip of orange sky, with the bottom 1/3 of the image being a black foreground and the top 2/3 being dark blue sky. Well-composed for a great effect.
See also 34. - “ABANDONED RAILWAY IN PARIS”, a track in a wide cut with masonry retaining walls leading up to a tunnel portal, all of it starting to become overgrown- and 23. -“WORLD’S COOLEST SUBWAY ENTRANCE” - through the open-vestibule end of a faux passenger car that appears to be mostly buried in the ground at a steep angle; unlikely to be confused with anything else.
The whole set was fun and inspiring (and some a little scary !) to look at. Thanks for sharing !
- Paul North.
I hope all looked at all pictures and not just the rail pictures…although the Coal Train at Sunset is extremely creative and observant, more so than the “just a train picture” we usually see. But all the pictures reflect images virtually none of us will ever see or could hope to. Keep your eyes and minds focused and your cameras ready…
All in all pretty cool photos…The #23 kind of suited my current sense of humor… and what Wayne said here:“… and the beauty and majesty of this planet, and all I can say is look at those shots and then tell me there’s no God…’ 'I won’t believe you.”
I really like (NOT) all of these end-of-year “Top XX” photo, car, news story, tv show, movie, scandal, etc, stories.
Just who is it that decides these ratings, and why do so many of us subscribe to their decisions?
Some of those photos are nice, and some of them are rather generic. I did not feel the coal train photo was anything special; sure, it was a nice combination of luck and weather, but hardly worth getting all excited about.
In an article about the music scene in a well-knowm men’s magazine, the author freely admitted that on a different day, even he might make different choices regarding the bands he used as examples of different eras.
The photo of “Just Room Enough” - the tiny island in the St Lawrence with the equally tiny cottage on it - has probably been duplicated by thousands of tourists.
I suspect that such reviews are little different than our own little photo competition - you can only judge what you have available.
…Awesome collection of photos. Of all kinds. Exciting…Strange…Beautiful…Rare…one of a kind…and others.
Couldn’t have said it better myself Q. AWSOME…TOTALLY AWSOME !!! [tup][tup]
Makes me feel like a kid with an instamatic [:O] Or the guy at the back of the class…
Speaking of class…Oh Chris, we need some more lessons [8D]