And timely for me. I have a string of the Con-Cor PRR MP-54s that I originally put the Digitrax custom SDH-164 decoder in. The sound recordings were awful, to say the least. I decided to install TCS KAT12s in them and later I’ll probably put SoundCar decoders in to get the sound back.
I was going to go with Econammi electric decoders, I’m still on the fence about that.
Could you show what you’re using for power pickup at the trucks? The only minor drawback I see with your installation is for the times when you would move the locomotives “light”. Otherwise, I like having the larger area for bigger speakers [Y]
Thanks, Ed
Well, now, you’re preachin’ to the choir there. Those Athearn trucks are exactly what I use, too. I have beeged Athearn to at least make some older solid-bearing type with journal box lids but they seem to want to cater to the new roller bearing kids.
I was Just curious. You have done your homework! I think sound is a fantastic aspect of the hobby.