
Marvin, Why don’t you try this site www.therailfan.com dont forget the,the in the address. Talk to real railroaders,engineers,coductors,manangment,roundhouse personel,etc… You’ll see that what you think about GE’s aren’t shared by REAL railroad personel!!!

I’ve just started into this thread, sop maybe this point’s been addressed already, but there goes:

I say good riddance to EMD. GM and its cohorts (oil, rubber, etc. companies) had a big hand in the demise of railroad transportation, especially public transportation, for which they were convicted in federal court, only to be slapped on the hand with a wink and a nod. They stuck us with major air pollution with their product line of petroleum combustion engines, from cars to diesel engines, and dismantled existing interurbans which could have been modernized. America’s railroads could have been electrified as in Europe, at a huge savings in maintenance and energy costs.

GE is in the electric business. GM is in the internal combustion business. I vote for GE, aesthetic values be damned.

I hard Ford was going up to Canada.

My mistake yes it is “therailforum” and I,ve been a member and have posted there for a while now.Smart rearend of a donkey.I forgot your a expert in everything that has to do with GE’s.You know more about operating,repairing,problem solving,troubleshooting,and fixing RR locomotives then the people who live with them day in and day out.I stand corrected and will never doubt your expertise again.Your a true god when it comes to RRing.
And you rail fans wonder why we RRer’s have a bad taste in our mouth when it comes to dealing with you all. Well this guy is the poster child for why we are leery of you all.

Hey ptt100, Why don’t you come and join us in a live chat sometime.If your not up for that just post in the forum.I’m sure the shop personal would love to hear from you.You could tell them what they need to know and tell them all about what their doing incorrectly.Then you could enlighten we engineers on how to operate,run, and fix all the problems we’re having with the GE’s.I for one would love to talk with you live!Then you could tell manangment how to better run a railroad,make better equipment purchases,and better manange we peon’s in the field.

Come on chat with us live if your who you say you are.Or are you chicken? Live chat on “therailforum” come and see if I’m for real or not butt wipe!Or are you going to hide here forever and post your inane responses? You’ve posed as so many differant people on here its hard to tell who you are.So come on lets talk live!! Thought so! Phony

Hey PT funny you have the time to pass yourself off as a real expert on trains .Lets see if you can do the same thing while chatting and posting on the railforum.By the way I go by the name CBand Q on there so you’ll know who I am.That is if you have the balls to come talk to us.

Just what I thought little girlie man.You can continue to fool all here who are gulible to your foolish rantings but you don’t fool me,other railroaders and the fans who are knowleable about the real world of railroading one bit.Go ahead and hide behind your ptt100 identity all you want but the fact of the matter is your afraid to take your phoney postings to a site with real roundhouse personel,operational personal,management,and railraod people who do know and can back up what their saying.If your time is so valuable what are you doing here? LOL

chicken boy,girlie man,come on and post at therailforum. I’m not hiding behind a phoney name.In the past you’ve said your not a railraoder,now you say you are.???

Hey Pal,Your the one who insulted me and questioned that I was who I said I was.I have nothing to hide.It seems you do.Go ahead continue your tirades against people who differ with your opinions I really don’t care what you think anymore as your to cowardly to let us know who you are,what you do,or go to a site that will unmask you as the phoney you are.

I have nothing to hide.But it seems you do.
therailforum.com” What are you afraid of. And by the way have 26yrs senority and still counting.

Fellow Railroaders:
This person who is posting as ptt100 is doing a great deal of damage. I suspect that this person is not a railroader at all and gets a perverted pleasure out of mocking people and making them angry. This has gone way beyond a devils advocate and has lured good people into comments they shouldn’t make in a public forum. I can not imagine any responsible management employee or one represented by a collective bargaining agreement saying the things that have been said. Maybe it would be helpful if you reported all of this to your Human Resourses department. If not them, your Audit Department’s fraud investigators or the police. If this is an employee, give them a chance to root them out. I’m certain your railroad’s management would like that person gone too. Whether this person is an employee or not, ignore his/her future posts and deny the pleasure of picking at you. gdc

Thankyou gdcwcc.I’m sorry that I let him draw me into a nasty name calling dialog.I also apologize to all you good railfans out their.I’m not the only one he’s insulted just the one who he got to.I let myself be drawn in by his nasty diatribes,and for that I’m sorry.Keith

Thank you Keith. I’d still turn it in, though. You might also alert TRAINS. I’m sure they don’t want their site used this way. Their disclaimer says they have the right to edit or eliminate posts. Maybe they should watch ptt100. gdc

ptt100 here is a few facts for you. fact #1 any railfan near the tracks not on public ground will be reported as a trespasser by myself… i may not get you arrested but someone will if your a railfan yourself. fact#2 if you are a managment person in operations then you will be to busy to get on here going thru the paper work generated by all who take this lead.

pt100- If your background is not a fabrication I can only guess that you are a geeky Mech E buried someplace at Roanoake where no one will need to make excuses for your incompetence. How’s the pocket protector?!? Geek Boy. If the best you can do is make fun of others for their sentence structure, you should have been an Engli***eacher and left RRing for the men. You would make a GREAT ASSistant Trainmaster(emphasis added) on the NS. Guess you don’t dare go to the “Railforum” frankly I’m glad, the air there won’t be so polluted…

pt100- If your background is not a fabrication I can only guess that you are a geeky Mech E buried someplace at Roanoake where no one will need to make excuses for your incompetence. How’s the pocket protector?!? Geek Boy. If the best you can do is make fun of others for their sentence structure, you should have been an Engli***eacher and left RRing for the men. You would make a GREAT ASSistant Trainmaster(emphasis added) on the NS. Guess you don’t dare go to the “Railforum” frankly I’m glad, the air there won’t be so polluted…

I’m not defending ptt100 by any means.
But it seems like a lot of kettels calling the pot black to me.
And it sounds like Railforum is where all the kettels congragate.

Aren’t the EMD prime movers still made in America? Nevertheless, alot of the components of the EMD locomotives are made in America. The final assembly just happens in Canada.


I can’t agree more. This is embarrassing how people have acted in this forum. I applod those that got sucked into the name calling and that have appologized. This person, ptt100, who claims to be highly educated yet acts like a 3rd grader makes me wonder for sure. Now, having said that, I do admit that I have learned (or have I) some more about locomotives. I for one would like to hear more about the Hi tech GE’s and EMD’s and how they compare to the older equipment. Also, I would be one fan who would not want to see EMD fade away. I like all locomotives, even the clunkers that GE, EMD, ALCO, etc have made.