Tortoise Above Deck Installation Article

MR had an article about mounting Tortoise machines above deck, as in staging yards. Basically the machine was mounted upside down and there was a lever of some sort that engaged a hole in the layout. This hole became the fixed point of the operating lever.

Does anyone remember which issue this article might have been in? ( I’m not looking for the similar article in the February 2000 issue which used model aircraft push rods.)


Check April 2007. I don’t recall any others…

Bob O.

Is this the one you mean?

Topside mounting for the Tortoise switch machine.(Workshop).Jim Hediger. Model Railroader 71.8 (August 2004): p28. (958 words)

No, that article had the Tortoises in the normal orientation except sticking down through the foam base from the top. But thanks for responding.

Yes sir. Thank you very much. Much appreciated!

You are most welcome sir. I was glad to have been able to help.