tortoise remote mount

I have an area of my layout where the turnout is very close to the edge of the benchwork. My tortoise switching machine will not mount properly, because of the clearance issue. Yesterday I purchased a remote mount from my local hobby shop. Has anyone ever used this mount? If so then how well does it operate? And do you have any assembly tips, because sections of the instructions are not real clear?

Yes once. Works fine but a bit of a learning curve to assemble. Can also control two TOs with a spare tube and wire.

Tips: Cut the brass tubing carefully. Ream the ends. Do not pinch the plastic tubing, when inserted correctly into the plastic clamp, it stays put just fine. Included wire is too short for some applications so plan placement carefully. throw is adjustable depending on how you assemble the pivot arm.

Good luck


There are a few threads on this subject that you might find useful. Here’s one:

The instructions may seem a little daunting at first, but they actually take longer to read than they do to perform. Each step is quite simple by itself. I’ve had good experience with remote mounts and can tell you that they’re worth the extra effort. If you have any specific questions, fire away.
