Hey there.
I’m getting close to installing my switches on my layout so I need to start looking at pre-wiring my machines. I 'm not that familiar with the wiring but want to get it done before installing because I have 25+ to install. I understand that 1 & 8 are for the power on the circuit board, but what about the rest? I want to install future (working) signalling and future computer control for the trains, I also plan on using Digitrax DCC with decoders for the turnouts and occupancy detection. Is the DCC system enough to do what I want or do I have to use it in conjuction with the rest of the wiring of the tortoise machine?
Wiring is definitely not my strong suit.
Thanks in advance.
You have two options – use any old power pack to run the Tortoise machines separately from the layout, or use stationary decoders to control them through your Digitrax system. One stationary decoder can control 4 Tortoise machines.
As far as the Tortoise machines themselves are concerned, the other contacts on the machine are on-off switches for panel lights, signals, etc.
the tortoise machine will send you a wiring diagram with each unit…it is a good diagram and easy to understand…you’ll also need a DP/DT switch for each tortoise machine…the tortoise wires to the #1 and #8 terminals to power the motor …to wire it ,take the two leads from the DC side of the power pack and wire it to the top two terminals on the DPDT switch…then take two wires and connect them in an "X’ pattern to the two terminals on the opposite side of the DPDT switch (this reverses the polarity when the switch is thrown)…then the two middle terminals of the DPDT switch wire to the #1 and #8 terminals of the tortoise machine…that’s it!
Solder a short wire to each terminal on the Tortoise and them to an 8 position terminal strip. Makes it real easy to use and re-use all contacts at a later date.
Easiest way to install is to mount the Tortoise to a small piece of scrap lumber before going under the layout, then attach that piece of scrap to the bottom of the layout with drywall screws. Much easier than trying to install the Tortoise directly under the layout using very small screws.