Tourist line shut down by track materials theft

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Tourist line shut down by track materials theft

Surely somebody has to be watching these tracks. The nation’s rails still offer unchallenged and wideopen access. This is not to blame the tourist line but these thiefs must have felt pretty safe with their endeavor.

I think scrap dealers should be aware any rail material coming in not from a railroad should be suspect, and the offending scrap dealer should be severely prosecuted as many lives could be at stake.

I really like selling the scrapyard to pay for the repairs, This may not stop this kind of thief but it might slow it down.

I really like selling the scrapyard to pay for the repairs, This may not stop this kind of thief but it might slow it down.

Looks to me to be the work of a bunch of greedy scumbags. Especially the scrap dealer.

So put all the thieves to work repairing the line that they damaged. A little hard labor never hurt anybody.

Don’t charge 'em with the theft; charge them with attempted train wrecking. The potential sentence on that ought to get their attention!

I thought it a federal offense for indiviidual to sell railroad property such as rail , tie plates and the spikes to junk dealers as the dealers of junk yard suppose to report such activity by individual… to proper authority…

I thought it a federal offense for indiviidual to sell railroad property such as rail , tie plates and the spikes to junk dealers as the dealers of junk yard suppose to report such activity by individual… to proper authority…

I thought it a federal offense for indiviidual to sell railroad property such as rail , tie plates and the spikes to junk dealers as the dealers of junk yard suppose to report such activity by individual… to proper authority…

Here’s an idea, sell the scrapyard with all the profits from the sale to go toward paying for the repairs.

I blame unscrupulous scrap dealers who enable such thieves.

its a disgrace that his own partner actualy did this . its become a sad sick world anymore . so much for taking my wife there this year .

its a disgrace that his own partner actualy did this . its become a sad sick world anymore . so much for taking my wife there this year .

Editor: I really enjoy these exchanges of comments, but something has to be done to prevent these double-triple-quadruple postings of the same comment. I figure the lack of response from the Trains website makes posters think they have not posted, so they hit “Enter” again and again, or left click again and again.

I’ve never seen any mention of what Kalmbach might be doing to avoid this duplication, and how it makes the website look amateurish.

Just double-checked; attempted train wrecking in CA (664/189 PC) is punishable by life with the possibility of parole. That sort of charge would get these guys’ attention!

Agreed, this is a despicable deed. To clarify, I think the “partner” in the story was a partner in the junk yard, not CMSL. I like the idea of selling/fining the scrap yard for the monetary damages to repair the line. To keep costs down, I also like the idea of the perpetrators doing the labor to put the line back in service.

This is disgusting!!

This is apparently the new trend. The Valley Railroad in Essex has been victim of the same thievery since mid-winter.