Track Centers...


Does any one know all the track centers for HO?



NMRA track center standards

HO is about half-way down the page

What he said!

What is meant by track centers and what do you do with the info?


It is a measurement of how far apart the centers of parallel tracks are. The information is useful in many ways. For example, if you read the NMRA Recommended Practices (see the link in the post above) you will see that they give you advice on how far apart you should space your tracks on straight runs, and likewise in curves depending on the length of equipment you will be running. Too far apart and you may be wasting space. Too close together and you might have some nasty contact between opposing forces!


The new issue of “Model Railroad Planning 2011” has a section in there on using easements to transition closely spaced straight tracks (like in yards) to parallel or concentric curved tracks. The issue also has an additional pamphlet included on designing layouts.