Track Choice Dilemma - Please Help

Hello Everyone,

I am currently in the process of designing an N scale layout with XtrkCad. My rough layout will be posted on the layout forum. Any advice on my layout will be appreciated as well. This is my 2nd attempt. I posted a 5x9 in November. This is a major revision. I have been trying to think past the rectangle, to see what I can come up with. Before I get to far along, I need to decide on what type of track and turnouts to use.

My priorities are as follows:

  1. Reliability
  2. Appearance
  3. Availability & Cost

After a lot of research, I felt that code 55 Peco met all of my criteria. I decided to purchase some of the pieces that I knew that I would definitely use. When I contacted the hobby store that I deal with, the salesman put the brakes on when I mentioned Peco, because of the European tie spacing. Even though I am not a rivet counter, I am modeling the late 60’s early 70’s RF&P in Richmond VA, and I do want it to look prototypical. I am not a huge fan of Atlas turnouts. Micro Engineering is hard to find. I am looking for any alternatives and would appreciate any suggestions.

Also, I am considering hand laying everything w/ code 55 Micro Engineering rail. I am looking at the Fast Tracks turnout kits. Does anyone have any experience with these? I can’t decide if they are worth the cost, considering the number of turnouts that I will be building, and that I will be tied to one frog size. Reliability is still my #1 priority. Can I lay reliable turnouts with paper templates? If I go this route, I will use pcb ties every 10th tie or so, and the rest will be wood.

If anybody has any thoughts or ideas they would sure be welcome.



What about Kato Unitrack that you could ballast?

I personally prefer Peco C55 mainly for the turnouts.When installed properly they are highly reliable.Their strong point is the position locking spring so that a simple twin coil motor (Peco PL-10) is enough for remote operation.These motors simply hook to the underside of the turnout wich makes installation fairly easy.However,if you wish to use slow motion motors,the springs have to be removed.What I also like a lot with the Peco TO’s is their wider selection like small,medium and large radiuses,wyes,single and double slips,double crossovers and even curved turnouts.

Another reason why I chose Peco is that their C55 is in fact C80 buried deeper in the ties wich makes them look like C55 without any spikes on the inside of the track,thus allowing most anything to run on it while Atlas C55,though looking better,will require smaller wheel flanges.

Nothing is perfect I guess…Peco’s C55 tie spacing is indeed not suited for reproducing north american protypes,but that is of importance only if you care about this fact.Also,they’re not cheap but then I feel they’re well worthed the price.

You may consider handlaying,wich I tip my hat to,but I feel it is too much time consuming.I prefer devoting my limited free time to other aspects of the layout.My opinion…for what it’s worthed…

Hey trainfreek92

I haven’t ruled out anything at this point. I have seen some very impressive results with weathered and ballasted unitrack. I’m a little unsure of the turnouts. I was hoping to use Tortoise slow motion machines. (As a matter of fact, I’ve already purchased some)[%-)]

Thanks for the reply has Micro Engineering flex track. Codes 70,55 and 40. here is a link straight to the Micro engineering page on n scale supply