Is there a cheap and easy way to clean track. and the wheels on the locomotive? Can i use isopropyl alcohol?
You can use isopropyl alcohol applied with a lint free cloth. I recommend the 91% alcohol. Less water. But the rails will quickly get dirty again. You can apply a bit of elbow grease and use the GLEAM method. I used it back in 2006 and aid didn’t have to clean my track outside of a quick wipe with a dry cloth once in a while until around a year ago when I tore down a large part of my layout and rebuilt it. I of course used the GLEAM method again and once again enjoy maintenance free track. There’s a Bachmann track cleaning tank car behind the locos that has a dry pad that gets dragged along the rails and that’s the extent of any cleaning. I just dragged two fingertips along six feet of track and got just a light gray haze on my fingers. Hardly worth mentioning.
Wilson, far as keeping the track clean and you do not feel like Gleaming try the Walther’s Train Line cleaning car. Many will frown on me posting this but they work well. I have around 350 feet of track and I have 4 cleaning cars. I run one on each line in a train and have only used my Bright Boy may 10 times in the last 4 years.
Only thing I don’t like about them is they are not as tall as my other box cars. But for $15.00 I sure cannot complain. I have 20 feet of tunnel’s and never a stall from dirty track.
Cuda Ken
I have one of those, too and it works great.
Push the track cleaner car.
LOL I do. I have an engine dedicated to the task. I just run it around periodically.
This is the one I use on mine. It has a dry pad underneath that’s dragged over the rails. The pad has to be replaced periodically but lasts a long time in general use.
The effects of the Gleeming method on track look real nice Jeffrey. After reading some of the posts you suggested it sounds like some sort of wax finish?
I was looking for a track cleaning car, in n scale, that might be worth it. Walthers offers only 2, one being a Trix @ $33.00 and one from CMX @ $140.00.
Don’t care about the cost so much as long as it works. Need it for the 70 feet of helix .
Thanks. Scookam
I checked Walther’s and hobbtlinc. and both places was sold out. Any one know where to get one?