Track collapse in China delays new rail line opening

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Track collapse in China delays new rail line opening

If its China HS rail or a Boeing 737, I’ll take the 737.

It’s sad to read about another problem on China’s Hi-Speed rail roads. I just hope that the political people use this as an excuse not to have Hi-Speed trains in this country.

Jim, what’s your beef with Hi-Speed trains? I personally would welcome renewed development of our rail infrastructure.

Was it the rain, or do they makee trackee rike they makee stuff for War-Malt stores?

I strongly disagree with the auther of the first comment. One can not even begin to compare China’s rush to be the biggest and best with the rest of the world’s more disciplined approach to High Speed Rail
Their efforts to excel at every thing seems to be paramount and leaves safety and sound construction practices far behind Everything seems to be at the expense of safety. China has a record of using flawed methods and inferior materials and substandard systems particularly involving saferty systems.

Sad to see the disparaging comments about HST. It has been extremely successful where built. High reliability and higher speed trains must be in our future, as they are so much more efficient than aviation and low occupancy automotive travel. Gas prices will become prohibitive in the future. It’s time to be prepared here in the USA. It will be something to be proud of. If the naysayers were always to be believed, we would still be in buggies.