track-cutting methods

I just started to rebuild my HO layout and would like some suggestions about what tools will do a good job of making a clean track cut.

I prefer the Xuron rail nipper. It leaves one side nice and flat, little or no touchup with a file required. Don’t cut anything but track with it, they will be ruined on harder materials.

If the track is already laid, a jewler’s saw leaves less of a gap than a Dremel cutoff wheel. Either will work though.


I like to use a cordless dremmel tool with a cutoff disc. It’s quick but be sure to wear glasses and don’t touch the cut spot until it cools. I also use an Atlas snap saw with a rail guide.

I have both a Dremel with cutoff discs and a Xuron nipper. I’ve mostly used the Dremel and it probably gives he cleanest cut. Wear safety googles cause pieces do fly sometimes.


Can’t beat a Xuron rail nipper.

I have used a razor saw, dremel cutoff disk, and rail nippers. They all work, but make sure the cut is vertical. I find that the rail nippers are the easiest to use, the razor saw the hardest - it tends to work the rail out of the ties if you go too fast. They all usually need a touch up with a file.

Wear safety glasses, especially with the dremel and the nippers.



Something to consider. If you’re cutting rail staight across for a lift out gate, etc. a dremel tool will likely make you have to cut a diagonal line/cut due to the shaft clearance. At least that’s been my experience cutting gaps for electrical blocks. The nippers should work well for the above application or a very fine razor saw.

I’m with the 3 methods listed. The nipper first, Dremel second, and saw third.

I ran into the same problem. So I used the flexible shaft attachment which has a much smaller shaft than the tool itself.



For swing up/down gates, you probably would want a bit of an angle to the cut, especially with a very fine cut leaving a narrow gap less than 0.5 mm.


Thanks to all of you you contributed to my question. I really appreciate it. I went out anbought a cutting tool and it really works.


Yes, but which one? LOL

I use a Dremel with a flex shaft and a large diamond disk. This gives me a vertical cut with no touch-ups required.

I use my Kadee coupler height guage turned backwards to hold the rails in place whenever I want to cut the rails be it with my flex-shaft attachment or with my X-Acto saw.



There used to be a track gauge that held the track in place while cutting with a saw. In my experience, a razor saw pushed or pulled the rails out of the ties.

I made my own by grinding off what didn’t look like a rail cutter from a pair of 8" side cutters. Grind the back so that the V in the jaws becomes flat and grind the end so that the cutter fits down snug between the ties. Don’t cut anything else with it, except maybe copper wire, and watch out for the loose end flying when you cut a rail.

When using the Xuron rail nippers, what is the proper direction of the cut through the rail? Top-to-bottom, i.e., vertically or side-to-side, I.e., horizontally? I’ve always used the side-to-side cut method and touched up the cut end of the rail with a fine file. I’ve seen a video on this website with Dave Popp in which he was cutting N-scale rail using the vertical direction of cut. Is one method better than the other?


Top to bottom is what most consider the “proper” way. You may still have to do some touch up with a small file.

As you can see, the recommendations are nearly unanimous.

I use the Xuron, vertically, when cutting before installation and Dremel when cutting already laid and in place.

When using the Dremel, not only the rail can fly, but the disk sometimes breaks as well. WEAR EYE PROTECTION when using any cutting tool.

While I have used the Xuron rail nipper I still like using my Dremel tool…

I spend a little extra and buy the Fiberglass reinforce disks since these things seldom break.

Of course wear safety glasses.