Track Distance


My question is how long does the track from the turntable to the roundhouse need to be? Is there a standard lenght? I’m using a Peco turntable which is 5 5/8 dia. Modeling in N Gauge.
Also, how do you determine the space a round house will take up? I know that there are dimensions listed but the curve on the back side on some of the roundhouses seem to have me confused.
Thanks to all for your time,


Hi Lou
It depends on the degree the turntable indexes and the degree the round house stalls are built.

Perhaps the best bet would be to get ahold of a Walters catalog and look at the dimensions given for various roundhouses. Most kits have the info on the back side, or at your LHS. Im not sure which kit your looking at, but the diminsion from the center of the turntable pit axis, to the rear of the house are usualy listed.

Have a great day…enjoy…John


Not having installed a roundhouse myself, but having watched one being installed, I would think that the arc of the curve of the front (or rear) of the roundhouse itself would have the same axis as the center of the pit of the turntable. The centerlines of the tracks from the bays will determine the angles that the bay tracks need to come off the turntable. I hope your turntable is either designed for the specific roundhouse you intend to use or is flexible enough for you to place the tracks where you need them. A good turntable will be able to index wherever you need it to.

Good luck with your installation. Man, I’d love to have a nice roundhouse!

Mark C.