Track Layout


Looking for help on my first 4’x8’ track layout. I need to get one that I can dowload and adjust to my liking. I am going to set up an oil refinery ,pulp mill and a terminal for shipping potash by sea.

If any one can help tell me where to get a layout I would appreciate it.



Hello Mike,

Try ,for starters ,on their web site they have track laying software. Don’t worry its free to download,from this software,you can make whatever size you want.


I like your industry choices.

My personal recommendation is that you buy John Armstrong’s Track Planning for Realistic Operation. Its a great read, but you must read carefully.

Answering some basic questions will help us here give you recommendations.

What scale are you in? N, HO?

Do you want continuous running on an independent loop aside from your industrial switching?

How large locomotives do you want to run?

I am recommending these aside from already complete plans because I think you will much more enjoy designing your own.

Take a look at the Layout Depot, there are nearly 100 designs there (and we’re always looking for more!)


for a good layout track plan, tru the soo line red wing division in “small railroads you can build”. its where i got my track plan, and can fit 4, mabey 5 industuries.
Good Luck.
ps-- i know someone is going to say to go with an around the wall layout-- but 4x8 is a good start.