Found a layout in MRR magazine that I would like to build. What I need to know is how do I determine what and how much track, switch (& what kind) do I need. Built a small layout and spend lots of time running to the hobby store to buy more track or exchange what I bought. [swg]
Usually there is information on the minimum radius and turnout size used that will help you. A big consideration is whether or not this is a plan of an actually built layout. If it’s not been built, then things may not fit as drawn and you’ll need to make adjustments.
If you redraw the plan using the free Atlas track planning tool then you can get a list of Atlas track needed as well as knowing it will all go together. You can also modify the plan.
Good luck
If you plan on using Atlas track, you could download the free track planning software from their home page (it is called RTS) and try to redraw the plan with that tool. In most cases, track plans in magazines are just an artistic rendering of the plan, not made with a specific track system in mind, so you need a few attempts to come up with a plan.
Which track plan are you interested in?
Post the track plan and someone in the forums will be able to steer you in the right direction.
Also, if there is no track list published with the plan you can estimate your needs by track lengths, curves, turnouts, etc. Most published track plans in MRR provide turnout information at the very minimum.
Good Luck
John R
Welcome to the forums.
You may find that flex track will best for most of the layout. You can flex it to the needed curve, which may not be a standard radius, and cut it for straight sections that may not be commerial lengths. As for switches, you may have to guess a bit whether they are 4’s, 5’s or 6’s, but if you are careful when laying out the basic trackwork, can come close.
Good luck,
Ditto - which plan is it? Sometimes plans in the magazine are just that, plans that aren’t actually built priot tto publication of the design. If it wasn;t designed for Atlas track you might be able to recreate it that way, but the dimensions may change somewhat. If it’s more typical, it will fit better with flex track. Some plans state which turnouts were used, others are just drawn assuming NMRA specification turnouts - you would either have to handlay these or substitute somethign close. A more free form design that doesn’t fit well with sectional track, you can draw in a more complex program than RTS, like XTrackCAD, and these programs will usually tell you how many feet of track there are in the drawing, so you can figure out how much flex track to buy.
It’s tough to build a layout from a drawn plan that someone else made. First and best choice would be to look for a materials list. If there isn’t one, using layout design software (my personal preference is Anyrail) will help you develop one.
As a last resort, counting turnouts should be fairly straightforward, especially if the size is provided. Then just add up the linear distance and buy that much flex-track, plus an extra piece or two in case of mistakes. If you want to use sectional track, that’s a little harder, but you can still guestimate the number of pieces you need by linear distance for tangent (straight) track and using the degrees of curve to figure out the number of curve sections needed (usually 6 segments of track = a 180 degree turn) .
I LOVE atlas flex track. I’ve used the snap stuff and the flex stuff and I like the flex better. It’s kind of a PITA to get the correct radius, but I don’t mind the tedious (but fun) work. I like the way it works and looks better than the snap stuff.
I would get as much as you think you might need, then get a few more. You can always use extra, in case you mess up and cut it too short and have to use another piece or something. It’s nice to have a cushion even if you are an expert modeler. (which I’m not saying I am.)