Track not quite lining up.

Hello there,

Is it possible to use flex track with Life Like Power Loc track.

I have a small section in my layout that is not quite lining up.

See image here…

Yeah it works. You will have to use rail joiners to marry up the flex track with the Power Loc track. You will also need to put some roadbed of just the right height under the flex track to bring it up level with the Power loc track. Your local hobby shop (LHS) has cork roadbed that might be the right height, or you can make your own from soft pine, or you can place shims under the cork roadbed to get it high enough.

Finally flextrack must be nailed down to your layout surface, partly to keep it straight, partly to keep it flat down on the layout. You can use 5/8" brads from your hardware store, or your LHS has blackened track nails which are just about invisible again the ties.