Track plan software

Has anyone out there used track planning software to build their layout? Which one would you recomend? Any reviews or suggestions would be helpful. I am having a hard time visualizing a new layout for the space I have, and am wondering if these products might help. Thanks for your help.

by R & S Enterprise (

Uses graphical point and click approach where you select track elements (Lionel, Gargraves, Ross, Curtus, etc.) or cut to fit track or fits track between two points; even has a 3-D feature so you can pan and zoom the layout.

The program has element for accessories, and other shapes too numerious to list. Has features to compute elevations, cost , and items list. You can “shake the track” to close loop sections that may be a bit off.


I agree, try RR-Track. For about $80 you get a fairly complete library of O gauge track systems & accessories.


I thought you would like to see an actual track plan designed with RR-TRACK
by R & S Enterprise. The top of the plan, shaded grey is existing and the lower portion (greenish-blue) is the next phase we hope to build later this year. In the photo you can see the bridge that is also shown in the middle of the exiting plan view. I don’t think I could have ever gotten so much track in such a small space without the program.

I also used their program to design our Garden Railroad.

I’ve used RR-Track also. EASY TO WORK WITH.Can’t go wrong. Besides, cannot think of any other brand, etc, that makes one. Maybe somebody else may have an idea. But RR-track has been used a lot in my business.

I also use RR-track software. Easy and fun to use with many add-on libraries of buildings and accessories. I used it to design my under-construction layout.

Thanks for all the replys! I had been considering Atlas O software, because it is available locally, and had only seen the ads for RR-track software. I just don’t think I can plan my layout the way I want it without some sort of help from a software program.

Try Atlas RTS 5.0, its freeware, nothing to lose when it’s free.
I’ve used it many times, after learning its easy to use.

HI All,

Just wanted to add that RR track software is given free with MTH RR Collectors Club plus the club car, catalogs and web page.



Where can I get a demo copy of track plan software? I am trying to get into building tracks in my basement. Also if someone can tell me what scale is better. H or N or other scales. I do not know much about rail ,odeling , but have recently subscribed to RR magazine

Any help would be appreciated



Try going to they have a free download for their track planing software. It’s rather easy to use and makes great layouts for various type of track, Atlas O, Lionel O, or O-27, Gargraves etc., and the good part is, it’s free.
I’ve use both the RTS 5.0 and RR-Tracks software. They are similar, but you get more features with the RR-Tracks that costs around $80.00.

I’ve been using RR Track for years. It has served me well. I recommend it.