Track Plans

Im looking for a good sourse of track plans in N scale. Would like to find something that is free and in the smaller size 6’x3’ or less. any help would be great thanks.

If you don`t need anything to fanncy, try the atlas site

Hope that is a helpful start!


Many good n scale plans here for your space

You could also design one yourself. It’s not to hard, and you could post your ideas here and we’ll help you fine tune your plan. Many people here do that, I myself have even done it.

You might also look on my photobucket account at some of the track plans, or pieces of track plans, that I have there and maybe one of those could work, or be adjusted to work, for you. Here’s a link; . Remember, an HO track plan can be shrunk down to almost half it’s size for N scale. You just need to adjust the track centers and maybe the curve radius if it gets too tight.

the best site for small track plans i’ve found is

Tons of plans…
